Pæleſtinıėn Ėmeırikėn hıṙ. Fᵫlı ekſpektıŋ “Uı fu̇kıŋ told Y ſ.” t bikėm Muı mantcrė ƿið ðız ſelf ėpoıntid ſeıvyṙz hu ƿᵫd’n ſtȯp tȯkıŋ ovṙ ð æktcuėl mėtırıėl intcreſtſ v ð Pæleſtinıėn pıpėl t dju̇ſtifuı ƿuı Ðı cᵫd’n bı dju̇djd f ėbændėnıŋ Ðıṙ riſpȯnſibilitız t ð diſenfræntcuızd yet ėgen.
Palestinian American here. Fully expect “I fucking told you so.” to become my mantra with these self appointed saviours who wouldn’t stop talking over the actual material interests of the palestinian people to justify why they shouldn’t be judged for abandoning their responsibilities to the disenfranchised yet again.
Ku̇tıŋ Yṙ feıſ t ſpuıt Yṙ noz.
Cutting your face to spite your nose.