Relatives of the soldiers gathered to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, outside the Kremlin walls in the Alexander Garden. The demonstration marked 500 days since President Vladimir Putin in September 2022 ordered the “partial mobilisation” of up to 300,000 military reservists in the Kremlin’s war against Ukraine.

The call-up prompted more than 260,000 men to flee the nation, with Moscow reportedly setting up drafting offices at borders to intercept fleeing reservists.

    7 months ago

    What a shithole country

    Well that’s not very nice.

    Russia, formally knows as Muscovy, was culturally defined by the mongol horde

    Do you think Mongols are bad?

    Muscovy wanted to align itself more with the west and was envy [I assume this is supposed to say envious] of the more modern and more sophisticated culture of the Kievan Rus in todays Ukraine

    I guess they must be since “western” Kiev was more modern and sophisticated.

    From your other comment:

    They apply the asian concept of “never talking about weakness” as russia is the brackish gradient to asian society.

    Yeah well your racism is showing. “Brackish gradient to asian society”??? Like do you come up with this yourself or is there some race theorist you’re reading? Is it called Pop Psychology for the Sophisticated Bigot by Dr. A. Whitey?