We don’t have issues with decimals in many places. For example, why are there pennies? Why aren’t dollars just scaled up 100? Generally speaking: why don’t people immediately shift to the lower unit when talking about e.g. 3.5 miles? If you’re correct, those should be simplified too - yet they aren’t.
Why bother with Celcius at all when there is Kelvin.
Because Celsius uses a scale that relies on temperatures you’re encountering in your everyday life.
Even Kelvin is arbitrary. Best to use Plank normalized temperature. The scale would be absolute 0 to 100 where 0 is absolute 0 and 100 is 10^32 Kelvin.
We don’t have issues with decimals in many places. For example, why are there pennies? Why aren’t dollars just scaled up 100? Generally speaking: why don’t people immediately shift to the lower unit when talking about e.g. 3.5 miles? If you’re correct, those should be simplified too - yet they aren’t.
Because Celsius uses a scale that relies on temperatures you’re encountering in your everyday life.
Why? That scale is still arbitrarily chosen.