It is common in isekais anime for the protagonist to die and be reincarnated in ANOTHER different WORLD where everyone is white and Asian. Generally the protagonist is a Japanese person who was reincarnated in a fantasy world based on European mythologies in which he starts to live with elves, fairies, elves, etc.

So my question is: how likely is it that someone would complain about a story that takes place in another world where all the characters are black? Would a fantasy story based on African mythology be subject to complaints?

  • Not at al weird. NK Jemisin’s books, while she almost never describes skin color, unless it’s some extreme, like, obsidian or alabaster, seem (to me, a white guy who grew up in Golden Age sci fi) to be populated mostly be people of color. She avoids describing race - as in skin color - but there are hints that white people, as we have them in our world, either don’t exist or are rare.

    It works fine.