This photo will launch a thousand chuds into the streets.

    2 months ago

    Ehhh, as mid tier as the ar platform is for precision shooting, a decent scope and sighting it in, you aren’t going to miss at that range unless you intend to, or you’re just a bad shooter.

    I acknowledged that the person could just be that incompetent, and the choice of rifle would seem to point to that, but I don’t buy it. The timing, when this is far from the first time the target was in public long enough to make an attempt, I just don’t believe that this is anything other than a deliberate move to garner support and radicalize his supporters more.

    Seriously, I wear bifocals, and I have made shots that were worse than that, with 223. It was not with an ar, but I would argue that the difference is moot since the ar platform can be decent at mid range shooting like that.

    I respect your opinion, I just disagree.