I used to read the r/politics channel, genuinely thinking it was unbiased.

How naive of me.

After Biden’s disastrous performance debating Trump, each post there doubles down on how Trump is a unique threat to democracy, is a dictator in waiting, and don’t forget SCOTUS is corrupt, so we should pack it…

You cannot claim American democracy is on the line and then put an octogenarian who forgets what’s he saying in the middle of a sentence and can only talk decently with a teleprompter as a candidate to ‘save’ democracy from republicans. It does not compute. It’s ludicrous and so old already and only your base listens to you. Elections are won in the middle, your fans alone are never enough, for neither party.

That channel’s answer? doubling down, everything’s good. democrats are gonna win!

Note that I’m not looking for a republican channel of trumpian morons claiming the election in 2020 was stolen.

I tend to vote democratic, but today it seems our side is as stupid and tribal as theirs.

ETA: if not politics communities, what about media that’s more or less unbiased?

I’d also appreciate website suggestions about pages dedicated to make predictions about the outcome of the election, as unbiased as possible…

  • TheBigBrother@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Not in Lemmy mate, the majority of people here are a bunch of young woke globalist simps as far as I know, I have like a year on Lemmy… you can still use Lemmy for some relevant stuff but don’t expect a literate answer about politics here.