Seems wasteful expense, meant as increased defense against Russia needed because we will keep aggressing Russia with more expense. Cheaper defense would be better relations with Russia. Isolating further from China, India, Russia, Mexico/South America, Palestine/Iran seems like our strategy for dealing with US, which would suggest that resistance to US is just some temporary gas lighting, because isolating ourselves will not work out.
Bye bye troll.
We don’t have unlimited money to fight trade war or help Canadians cope with it. Spending like we do on military crowds out decisions to help Canadians later.
Llook geopolitics aside, I cannot believe we americans missed out on having the “JORN” radar system. What an incredible name.
I can only assume that our version will be called CORN.
It’s the most advanced radar system in the world, but inexplicably it’s only used to monitor Iowa…
Trust me you dont want the Trump Regime to have access to that.
deleted by creator
Can’t tell if your referring to jorn in relation to meme or why ‘jorn’ is so good.
Jorn is the Jindallee over the horizon radar network.
Not sure exactly how it works, but someone put up a big array of radar transmitters and receivers in the outback and it might use the HF band like Ham radio users use to bounce off the ionosphere to get returns.
It’s just a great word. “joooooooooorn”. Plus the images would undoubtedly be referred to as “jornography” which is just grand.
Just *jrand.
I’m going to start jornhub, so people can start uploading their jornporn to the jorncloud.