U.S. officials familiar with the planning said options for "reclaiming" the vital waterway include close cooperation with Panama's military and, absent that, possible war.
This is dangerius rhetoric but I don’t believe the US military needs to be told to “plan” for an invasion of anywhere in the planet. The plan is already on a big shelf between “blow up the Vatican” and “mine the Marianas Trench”
This is dangerius rhetoric but I don’t believe the US military needs to be told to “plan” for an invasion of anywhere in the planet. The plan is already on a big shelf between “blow up the Vatican” and “mine the Marianas Trench”
Hell, the US military has a detailed strategic plan for responding to zombies.
Not that that sort of thing is unique to the US. cf. Crisis in Zefira, a sci-fi training scenario commissioned by National Defense Canada.
100% and even if they did it wouldn’t be communicated through the press. This is the loud mouth in chief “negotiating” in public again.