Alas, the rectangular light box shone the wrong pattern. Woe betide the unfortunate soul enslaved to a life of misery and torture to cajole the light box to shine such the ugly sisters spare the beatings.
I was with you almost to the end – who are the ugly sisters in this metaphor?
Systems or customers?
And Frenchy the Frenchman would arise everyday at morm and travel in his dusty horseless carriage to apply a viscous liquid to walls and ceilings to beautify others surroundings
T’was every day I wouldst travel in mine carriage, wiping up the leavings of incontinent elders, and tending to those ill to death.
Alas, no prince charming could handle my giant shoes, so I languished in misery til my body could no more rise to the task
Truly a Snow White among us, cleaning up after her Seven Dwarves: Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Forgetfully, and OccasionallyRacistey
I’m more of a grandpa-in-the-bed-at-charlie’s-family guy. My job is not dying and hoping that my country’s social security will be enough.
Sounds like a Sleeping Beauty situation, where the princess gets to read and watch dank memes, whilst hoping that her prince charming (the government in this case) will send her an odd kiss here and there, but ultimately leaves her alone.
Of all the Prince Charming’s in the world, I’d have to say that yours is the most stableish for now