The new leader will replace Trudeau as PM; he said he’d step down as PM once the leader is elected. It’s just that the same day this happens, parliament will come back in session and almost certainly bring this new government down in a vote of non-confidence. The new leader will stay PM over the course of the campaign period.
I don’t see what they would gain by doing that. The slim chance of staying in government until the fall is super valuable to the Liberals, giving the ability to get the new leader’s name out there and to prove that they can handle Trump.
Cause if they don’t the rhetoric from the CPC will be unending. My guess is an election will be called in the next week before March 24. Plus Carney needs a seat in parliament.
Not a legal necessity but I would say very important to have at this time. Given that other countries (the US) and people (Elon Mung) are weighing in on Canadian politics with no knowledge or understanding of how our parliamentary system works. Donald already farted out his mouth that JT was using the tarrif situation to “hang on to power” which is complete lies and bullshit needless to say.
While it’s true that Trump is a legitimate threat to our security and even our sovereignty, I think it’s also true that nearly every MLA in Canada (ie MPs, MPPs, and other MLAs) are exaggerating their concerns in an attempt to consolidate power. Donald might not be clear on the details, but he knows how the game is played.
This is a Naomi Kline-esque “shock” and we are getting fucked from both sides right now. Those claiming to be our friends, are not our friends.
The Liberal’s odds RIGHT NOW (h/t John Goblikon) are better than they have been in years. There’s no guarantee they will get better still in six months, they could easily tank again.
…and if Carney wins, he’ll be PM but not an MP. The last time the PM was not a MP, it was John Turner. That was after Justin’s father Pierre resigned. History is repeating.
The LPC lost badly under Turner in the next election - Cross your fingers.
They’re voting to select a new party leader; while that may result in them becoming the new PM, it’s not the same thing.
I would have voted to replace Trudeau as PM, you’re right the title is very misleading.
Trudeau resigned, there was no vote to replace him, there was a vote for who would replace him.
The new leader will replace Trudeau as PM; he said he’d step down as PM once the leader is elected. It’s just that the same day this happens, parliament will come back in session and almost certainly bring this new government down in a vote of non-confidence. The new leader will stay PM over the course of the campaign period.
The new PM will call an election before giving any party the chance to vote them down.
I don’t see what they would gain by doing that. The slim chance of staying in government until the fall is super valuable to the Liberals, giving the ability to get the new leader’s name out there and to prove that they can handle Trump.
Cause if they don’t the rhetoric from the CPC will be unending. My guess is an election will be called in the next week before March 24. Plus Carney needs a seat in parliament.
He doesn’t need a seat, except by convention, and practicality. But it’s not a legal necessity.
Not a legal necessity but I would say very important to have at this time. Given that other countries (the US) and people (Elon Mung) are weighing in on Canadian politics with no knowledge or understanding of how our parliamentary system works. Donald already farted out his mouth that JT was using the tarrif situation to “hang on to power” which is complete lies and bullshit needless to say.
While it’s true that Trump is a legitimate threat to our security and even our sovereignty, I think it’s also true that nearly every MLA in Canada (ie MPs, MPPs, and other MLAs) are exaggerating their concerns in an attempt to consolidate power. Donald might not be clear on the details, but he knows how the game is played.
This is a Naomi Kline-esque “shock” and we are getting fucked from both sides right now. Those claiming to be our friends, are not our friends.
The Liberal’s odds RIGHT NOW (h/t John Goblikon) are better than they have been in years. There’s no guarantee they will get better still in six months, they could easily tank again.
@[email protected] 1 week
…and if Carney wins, he’ll be PM but not an MP. The last time the PM was not a MP, it was John Turner. That was after Justin’s father Pierre resigned. History is repeating.
The LPC lost badly under Turner in the next election - Cross your fingers.
The polls have clearly shown that Carney as the perceived front runner is crushing the conservatives lead
I don’t know if they’ll force a general election right away, but it would be wise for Carney to seek a mandate.
He doesn’t have a seat so I think an election will be called asap so he can get a seat.
is a seat a requirement to be PM?
No not a requirement, he can be PM without a seat - but it’s very unusual. There will be a general election called soon. He’ll get a seat.
Any Senate appointments available right now? PM can rule from Senate.
I think all senate appointments are full. My guess is there will be an election called March 10.