I wonder if all the insane stuff is allowed to play out, it could possibly create enough pain globally that everyone except the US gathers and starts working together better and cooperating, cutting the bullshit, and working to enshrine systems that are resistant to all the gaping flaws he’s exposed with his bottomless corruption and evil conduct
What makes you think that?
They are already trying to step up, and are ramping up their millitaries (Germany in particular announced a large expansion in millitary spending). They have been utterly vassalized and under the firm domination of the dollar for decades, yet try to take the high ground over the US. The fact remains that the EU isn’t industrialized nor millitarized enough to not be utterly dependent on the US, Russia, or China, so ultinately they will have to pick who they depend on, at least until the illusion of financial independence breaks and they are forced to build up their own productive forces to build that independence in reality.
Ultimately it’s just a prediction, not a prophesy, I have been seeing lots of posturing from EU countries like France and Germany since Trump took office, but that’s all it seems to be without hard industrial or millitary backing.