Dude was obviously baited into a staged situation. Words are worthless anyways. People that focus on words are imbeciles. Actions are what matter. Words are as hollow and meaningless as intentions.
These propaganda posts need to go. Nothing about this is news or relevant. It is Goebbels’ Garbage.
Remember that Zelenskyy was an actor before he was a politician.
The purpose of the staged show was to reinforce that Europe needs to protect Ukraine and can no longer rely on America.
Zelenskyy did a great job with his facial expressions. Really sold the emotions.
Now he’s in Europe asking for money and regrouping. The performance hammered home that America is out of the game. That was the point.
It is an action to dramatize and broadcast the mismatch in priorities between two world leaders who built their careers on television. Closing a relationship is an action. It was done on stage because that is a setting where these men are comfortable and where their fans are accustomed to seeing them.
Are you saying Zelenskyy was somehow “in on it”?
Zelenskyy probably read the room and had a plan in case something like this was going to happen.
Zelenskeyy walked away from this showing that the breakup with the USA wasn’t his fault and that he was willing to explore costly options for peace provided there were security guarantees. He then immediately went to Europe to tie up his support there.
If the USA is no longer going to support Ukraine, that was a great show to shift the blame onto Trump.
I think they are saying that Zelenskyy knew what was going to happen and played it to his advantage.
Improv is an important part of acting.
Are you saying Zelensky didn’t know how it would go?
There’s a difference between being “in on it” and “knowing how sth is going to go”. Also, I don’t know, I have no idea how the man thinks. But insinuating that the entire thing was staged by ALL participants working together, as this post seems to do (and I’m asking if that’s the case), is a bold claim.
Oh, I didn’t think that was what op meant. I think he meant Zalensky knew what was going to happen, and intentionally chose to walk into it so he could then pivot and show Europeans that America is out. I didn’t think it was scripted. But expected.
Not what I was saying though. Zalensky seems like a person that puts all the cards on the table and plays an honest game. Trump, as his own sister has said in interviews, “has no ethics whatsoever.” That is an assessment I believe. The same has been said about Musk. Everyone in that room but Zalensky sees more value in Russian business than in Ukrainian. Every person in that room is also aware that appeasing Russia will result in WW3. The difference is that everyone but Zalensky is fine with WW3, because it solves the climate problem in a profitable way for the oligarchy. It isn’t a climate problem it is a population problem, and war is the classic form of population control. This is brutal high Machiavellian logic and exactly how people with no ethics think “outside of the box.”
The entire meeting was intended to create a reason not to support Ukraine. The real evidence is in how all the media outlets are covering this disproportionately after they fell in line with the criminal government control over the media. The volume of nonsense is massively disproportionate to the magnitude of the event. That is clear evidence that the entire mainstream media apparatus is garbage. It is like Nazi propaganda, aka “Joseph Goebbels’ class garbage.”
This is the same brand of thinking that props up the flat earth community.
Everything’s a conspiracy and everyone but “us” is in on it.
Trump’s white house chose to broadcast that conversation. That was a conscious choice.
“facial expressions” ?
You mean the more than obvious sniffing, twitching of a hardcore cokehead?
And how exactly is Europe going to protect ukraine?
Go away, Vlad.
yawn so interesting. thank you for yor contribution