It just popped up in my mind.

  • You could decorate any room as you like. You don’t even need to step out of it most of the times.
  • Other people can be projected inside it like Voyager’s doctor.
  • Also rooms could be much smaller. They only need to be big enough a human(oid) can fit inside.
  • In emergency cases most holograms can be shut off to match increased energy demands by weapons and shields. You only really need seating/bed and a (non-exploding) console screen.
  • Much of the specialized rooms like a bar, med bay, etc. won’t be needed anymore as a holodeck can imitate all of them.

It irritated me a bit that a Discovery gets fancy floating warp nacelles but holodecks are… wait, does Discovery has a holodeck? I don’t remember seeing one.

  • Miles O'
    3 days ago

    1 the things that have extra holodecks that I’ve seen are just space stations, which can have larger power stations. The ship in insurrection was purpose built to trick people into thinking it was their small village that they don’t leave often. It can have all the power it needs dedicated to the holodeck and be slow with a Son’a escort for protection.

    2 with you on that one.

    3 also with you on this one. It just makes sense. Two people on opposite sides of the system could have dinner together in a holodeck. Easiest sell in the world after the holodeck itself.

    4 the only issue I have with medical areas being holodecks is how often we see power issues in star trek. If they lose power, no med bay, no holo-docs. But if you’re already doing it, I see no reason there can’t be all the holographic doctors you need, and if the entire interior of the ship is filled with holo-emmitters then the EMH isn’t an issue.

    For the record, I’m with you. I think by the end of the 2380s they should definitely be having entire swathes of ships dedicated to holographic rooms.

    In Voyager, The USS Prometheus had holo-emmitters all over, so the EMH was able to walk around and take the ship back from romulans.

    Incidentally I was listening to some Certifiably Ingame ship breakdowns and they touched on a ship that has holographic interiors for a lot of spaces, but since I was falling asleep at the time I am unsure which ship it is. I’m trying to peruse the Playlist to see if anything looks familiar.

      3 days ago

      There was the VOY episode where the hirogen had converted alot of voyager over to holodecks to hunt the crew. The WW2 and klingon settings. The left Kim around to keep it running. Wasn’t that a huge drain on all the other systems?