The word futa or futanari is a term I unfortunately see used against trans women and actual intersex people. It is a term which originated in porn and anime to describe someone with both types of genitals, usually though it just refers to someone who looks feminine and has a penis. So it’s no surprise it’s very often used to describe non-op trans women primarily. Because it’s often used in porn it carries strong connotations of sexualization and dehumanization, it reduces the person being called futa to an object of sexual desire and doesn’t respect them as a person.
This term is extremely disrespectful and really has no place being used, especially in reference to trans women. Additionally because of its relation to porn people who use it will almost certainly be seen as chasers.
Futanari is literally just the Japanese word for “hermaphrodite” (or for a straight translation “dual form”) and used broadly to describe androgyny.
It seems like the intent is what matters here. If someone is speaking in English and wants to to say hermaphrodite or dual form, they can say that, not Futanari.
You should not be using the term “hermaphrodite” to describe any trans person, in that context it is demeaning and invalidating. Also you should never describe intersex people as “hermaphrodites” we are by in large not hermaphrodites and using this term against us is hurtful and invalidating. Fuck off with this bigoted apologia.
I agree with that. But have you seen anyone doing that? Or were they literally talking about hermaphrodites?
Intersex and hermaphrodite are two different categories of the same thing, and both exist. All hermaphrodites are intersex; but not all intersex people are hermaphrodites. Again, have you actually seen someone using the term disparagingly against someone, or were they just talking about a genre of porn that features characters that clearly have both male and female genitalia?
That was literally the reason this thread was posted.
You have previously been instance banned specifically for coming in to a trans space to complain about trans folk not being supportive of your “allyship”, and here you are again, in a trans meta community, arguing with gender diverse folk over objectifying terms levelled against our community.
Did you not learn anything last time?
Pull your head in
Do you really think a single instance of someone using the term in an offensive way demands banning of the term entirely?
I agree it shouldn’t be used as a slur; but if there’s only been one example of it used that way, this is a massive fucking overreaction to it and that’s what I am butting my head against with this instance. The community’s overreaction to the smallest of perceived slights.
The term is universally objectifying and sexualised when used against trans people, because it defines trans folk by their genitals and does so in a sexualised way.
It’s one thing for a trans person to use the term for themselves, but yes, if someone else comes along and uses that term at a trans person without explicit consent, it absolutely deserves a ban and will get one.
And from your perspective, this is the end of the discussion. If you come back with more arguments or pushback against gender diverse folk talking in their own communities about terms referring to us, you will be getting a second instance ban. It’s time to take onboard what you’ve heard, and bow out of this conversation.
I’d consider it to be used as a slur if someone came in here and asked for a hug from the hermaphrodite in a meme someone posted, too.
We’re also not speaking Japanese, we’re speaking English, and how the English speaking population uses it is what is relevant. Search “futanari” with safe search off and tell me it’s not a porn term.
Also in Japan trans people aren’t really seen as normal people, they are seen as an object of fetishization, or ridicule. It isn’t a positive or endearing term. Japan generally isn’t very accepting of trans people, in ways that other more liberal countries are, so this isn’t surprising.
I’m wary of jumping into this thread, but openly trans person in Japan here. I have encountered nothing but acceptance and kindness.
Let’s be careful not to tar everyone with the same brush.
Sorry it came out wrong, what I mean is that Japan struggles with understanding trans, GNC, and intersex issues so may use words in their language that are wrong or even invaliating. Like using a word for crossdressers to refer to trans people, or using a word for hermaphrodite to describe trans or intersex people. They’re used to it and maybe don’t mean harm, but they are still hurtful and pejorative terms that don’t work so well nowadays, better to use other, more accurate words even if one has to pull them from English. I admit I’m a dumb weeb (not even I don’t watch nearly that much anime) but I recognize how harmful some of those words are, and how much they really shouldn’t be used.
Blowjob is also a porn term; is “blowjob” a slur?
The genre of porn describes hermaphroditic characters; characters that have both sets of sexual organs. It’s not a slur in the use of the porn genre, and unless you’ve seriously run into transphobes calling transgender people “futas” in a disparaging manner, the argument that it’s a slur is just more stupid gatekeeping based on a stupidly hot take.
Do you think it wouldn’t be sexual harassment to bring it up in an unrelated context because an image was posted of someone you thought was sexy?
Because this isn’t hypothetical, this happened yesterday in one of the LBZ communities. That’s what this post is about. Maybe don’t come in hot to explain to everyone how actually it’s a perfectly fine term to use.
I’d like to actually see what they said, because this community has a habit of flying off the handle taking things that weren’t offensive at all as highly offensive.
See: This post wanting to ban a word that is otherwise not used in the way the OP describes.
Then look in the mod log. You know you can just do that and ctrl + F “futa”, right? Maybe while you’re doing that you could write out a scenario that you imagine would be appropriate to use that in a post, so you can see how little resemblance it bears to what actually happened.
It’s clear you’ve been seething about your first account ban from here ever since it happened and haven’t learned anything from it. If you’re just here to yell at trans people about how they’re oversensitive and wrong, take a fucking moral inventory my dude.
Even if you could search by a term used in the comment/post and not just by user, action taken, or the mod making the action, do you know how little that would narrow it down?
Who was the user?
And no; I don’t think trans people are overly sensitive. Just this specific instance on Lemmy.
Check the modlog in Egg_irl, does that answer your question? That’s as much as I should help you, you were already banned in the past for arguing and debating what is and isn’t queerphobic.
I was banned for not agreeing that allyship needs to be earned, and considering I am a queer person myself I have every fucking right to make that argument.