I wish it was then it may make sense. Every time I use the MacOS terminal. It’s like an uncanny valley so similar but the more you look the more horrific it becomes. I can’t even say it’s Unix is the problem as freebsd makes complete sense.
For one, some of the coreutils are weird. They aren’t BSD coreutils, but they’re not GNU coreutils either. They’re like an old version of BSD coreutils with some GNU features added.
I didn’t know that. When I was searching for a new computer last month, I considered a Macbook because I liked BSD utilities more. I ended up buying a Thinkpad T14 and booting Chimera Linux(actually uses BSD utilities) on it.
Huh. That’s interesting. Are the MacOS coreutils incapable or not user-friendly in some way? Or is it more that they’re too different for people who know GNU and BSD coreutils?
I wish it was then it may make sense. Every time I use the MacOS terminal. It’s like an uncanny valley so similar but the more you look the more horrific it becomes. I can’t even say it’s Unix is the problem as freebsd makes complete sense.
macOS may not be FreeBSD, but it definitely is a BSD. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Unix#/media/File:Unix_history-simple.svg
Also some part of NetBSD
Whatever else it may be, macos most certainly Is Unix unfortunately
Anything can be Unix if you’re willing to pay for the certification.
Yeah it’s Unix but all the paths and utilities are all out of wack from what I’m used to on freebsd and Linux distros
Thanks for the response. I’m ignorant in this topic. How is MacOS horrific?
For one, some of the coreutils are weird. They aren’t BSD coreutils, but they’re not GNU coreutils either. They’re like an old version of BSD coreutils with some GNU features added.
I didn’t know that. When I was searching for a new computer last month, I considered a Macbook because I liked BSD utilities more. I ended up buying a Thinkpad T14 and booting Chimera Linux(actually uses BSD utilities) on it.
Huh. That’s interesting. Are the MacOS coreutils incapable or not user-friendly in some way? Or is it more that they’re too different for people who know GNU and BSD coreutils?
I also wonder if their coreutils are open source. I quickly tried searching here but couldn’t find an answer https://opensource.apple.com/releases/