In you’re daily life do people praise psychotic people or behavior? Most of the time I feel like I’m a psycho that has to work with general public. It’s not like I’m aggressive, I just decide that how a stranger feels doesn’t matter as much as whatever I need.
I can’t imagine not thinking about other people, animals, the planet as I do things. Its funny though as with people close to me I sometimes get that im not empathetic enough but I think its because not only do I think of others when dealing with things for myself but also for my family or work and such. Are others more important than me or my family. well no but they aren’t necessarily less important. at least to them. yes my primary responsibility is to myself and next to my family and then to my locality and such. This is funny to as we have such a fairy tale romatic take on self sacrifice that one should put others above themselves but you have to think about long term ramifications of that. If you fall you will not be able to support your family or community so you have to really keep everything balanced. life is a marathon, not a sprint, and everything is interconnected so this balance is needed. Its one reason I don’t tend to start a haggle. I will propose what I think the most fair arrangement is and usually the other person will gage this as some super in my favor stance and just have a rediculous response and then its over.
I think the notion that certain traits are normalized or even praised is spot on.
I just finished rings of power and the picture of sauron as the great deceiver who even deceives himself at times is harrowing. I have been very successful in business and met people just like him. The higher i got the more obvious.
People who lie without any change in tone or rhythm, who are incredibly fast and enthusiastic explaining away your absolutely spot on criticisms and fears without as much as breaking a sweat.
These people also have been incredibly unreliable, never due to their own fault of course. They just swish away any competition by any means necessary. And they are impulsive as hell. They just lose it if you dont comply.
On one hand, I really sympathize with people who suffer from the condition i just described traits of. It is impossible for me to say how to act on this without massive discrimination against people with this condition although I see dire need to exclude these traits from any positions of power.
Because if they run unrestrained and even praised, this is how you get genocidal maniacs as rulers of countries. Its these people at the root of every major downfall of our society.
Massive fraud and banking collapse: these traits. Building software to supercharge rents to efficiently drain the public: these traits, it is everywhere.
I think parts of the so called dark triad are more common than one thinks. Not vetting what others think might just be NPD
What is the dark triad? I think I saw it referenced before but I thought it was a comic book villain
Narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. They sometimes come together labeled as the dark triad. I see Narcissism in a lot of people I know and it can be somewhat ignored. It’s really bad when it mixes with the other two.
My mind wants to break down the concepts into smaller ideas of lack of empathy, not considering morality. I keep thinking machiavellianism is more a descriptor of the politics that Machiavelli lived in. It’s more of a communication thing, it helps to use simpler concepts to convey ideas better.
But psychopathy is definitely a spectrum and it does feel like trying to get another person to like you can be psychotic since it’s manipulation
That feels like more narcissism in my mind
Perfectly normalised:
Psycopathy/Sociopathy (They’ve been merged together into ASPD as of the DSM 5) is 100% normalized, actually idealized, often literally worshipped, promoted as the mode of behavior of a successful, powerful person.
… So long as you don’t directly go around murdering and robbing and defrauding people yourself, one at a time, if you can do all that indirectly via commanding or directing a complex, layered, system, then congrats, your psycopathy produces concentrated profits and socialized misery, and tens of millions of idiots will believe you are a role model.
It’s not a decision. You would feel no fear, no anxiety, no shame. That would allow you to walk through people’s boundaries with ease because you aren’t afraid of any of the outcomes. It’s not a moral decision, it’s your nature. A lot of people like to glorify this type of stuff, but the reality of it isn’t like in the movies. I work with psychopaths everyday in my work setting and they aren’t the smooth cool guys like in the movies. They are dysfunctional, short sited, and completely untrustworthy. They usually get spotted for what they are pretty quickly because they aren’t very smart. Some are smart, but even they eventually get figured out too. Everything they do is self serving, dishonest, and completely without honor which people catch onto quickly. It’s not something you want to be. Sure, there are places for them in society, but the useful ones are few and far between. The majority of them are worthless. The fact you’re even asking this shows that you are self reflective which makes me think you’re probably not one.
Also, society is warming up to the idea of having almost no morals and integrity which is why Trump got elected. It’s why you see a bunch of young people acting like they want to be the guy from American psycho.
I find psychopaths online and it’s funny that they lie about verifiable things or tell information in such a way that confirms that it’s information they can’t know (I didn’t see put it in the jar but it’s red). I guess they can’t be psychopaths because because they get upset when I call them out and hit them with the “smart psychopath is scary, a stupid psychopath is hilarious”. Seems like from your description they wouldn’t care what I said
I guess I’m look at it like it’s a spectrum. Like maybe you can care but ignore boundaries or anxiety related to other people
They’d care i think. They also tend to be very narcissistic. I think it’s a spectrum in the sense that there are a number of traits or behaviors they exhibit, so you might have some traits of one, but then again most people do. And even if you have more than average, that doesn’t mean you dont have some other trauma or disorder that can account for that. Like aside from you putting yourself ahead of others, which most people do they just don’t say it outloud, what makes you think you’re a psychopath
Cool actually getting positive support and attention. When I first got to Lemmy I basically shared my story about how called out a developer to gauge their response to see if I should move onto another project. Short story is I basically formed an angry mob against me that persisted for like 2 days because they didn’t like my methods and that I’m confrontational to them as well.
But if say what makes me think I’m a psychopath is that I regularly go online and figure out how to trigger and put ideas into people’s heads and put down people. Like it’s a hobby. I start with politics and people make it personal and it’s like I’m anonymous person on the Internet, your politics suck and you did these horrible things(racism, classism) and displayed mental illness(like staying angry and obsessed)
I dunno you do sound pretty toxic. Maybe they formed the angry mob because of the things you say to them? The fact you’re trying to elicit negative emotions from them just because you’re bored is pretty telling. I wouldn’t be proud of any of this. It doesn’t make you edgy or cool. It just makes you unlikable and difficult to work with. I’ve been around for long enough to know someone like you doesn’t last long in the work place. They move from job to job and never really go anywhere in life because they frequently get ran out or fired. This sounds psychopathic in the sense that you are being sadistic and dont really have any long term thinking. Really seems like sadism just for the sake of it. If you want to go far in life, you need to be willing to reign this stuff in a bit and work in a team environment. Not sure what methods were unpopular but maybe it’s because they are ineffective. If they are effective, maybe you should swallow your pride and just accept that things will be inefficient compared to what you want them to be. Either way, you get nothing out of being shitty to people other than the satisfaction of getting under their skin. This is what I mean by psychopaths being dumb. Sure they have an uncanny ability to do shit like this, but they ultimately fail at everything they do because they don’t have long term thinking. I’d look at improving upon yourself so you don’t end up losing your job or something.
meh. you’re not a psycho.
compassion is a muscle. if you’ve never spent much time, dedication, or effort working on empathizing with other people you won’t be good at it (or even think about it).
we just so happen to live in society where those skills are not as rewarded compared to being self centered, independent, and ruthless. conditions maketh the man. hang out with someone who’s got a lot of compassion and concern for the feelings of others and you’ll quickly realize what you thought was your personality is actually a learned maladaptive response to living in a cruel and apathetic world.
Couldn’t have been better said. I work in an industry full of narcissists, the OP just needs to regularly start flexing the part of the mind that allows us all to sincerely conceptualize the situation of another party. It’s strangely fun once you get good at doing it.
i’m sorry, are you asking about psychopathy or psychosis? very different subjects. either way, i don’t think they’re considered generally praiseworthy.
Sometimes I wonder if people do live a separate reality
Psychotic and psychopathic are different things. Fyi