Really annoying!
It’s a shame that spacebar and revolt did not really take off so far.
this is the first time I’ve heard of spacebar
Yeah, that’s the problem - none has. Sadly I also only read about it here in a previous post about discord a few months ago.
What the FUCK.
I immediately went to settings and, I guess at some point I’d already given these swine my phone number? Went to remove it and I’ve greeted by this wonderful toast message=
God I wish something was fully suitable as an easy discord replacement 😭 spacebar seems rad if it wasn’t super alpha. And as cool as element is, it just doesn’t have the same low bar to entry that discord has (not to mention group calls are jank as hell, when they work, and there’s no screen share yet tragically)…
Just change your number to something like 07777777777. That will work for the UK.
It doesn’t work for me because it asks for a code ):
It is a trade off vs scammers
Year of Elements/Matrix when?
So many niche games servers tho.
FTL: Faster Than Light - Multiverse (mod community) for example, like there is literally no replacement community.
I really like using Element, but there are so many issues besides the not so intuitive account system, that deters the average user
for me it wanted one after i added too many friends at once
it some agressive anti spam “ai” that more or less randomly decides if it wants a phone number or not
Just after Elon Musk’s twitter (𝕏) made it a norm~
The reason I don’t have a Google account.
Say the word!
Yikes, hopefully this one stays in beta.
It has been this way for some years.
It’s already live for me, seems to be a gradual global rollout.
Which is the reason I don’t have a discord account. I just can’t be bothered.
I get discord mail sometimes telling me I have to log on urgently as accounts get deleted after a few years of inactivity.
There was a server I poked around in once that required members to provide phone number just to join. Seems very unethical considering all the bad things that can happen from identity theft or stalking… it’s not like mods are employees for Discord. They’re just random mofos. Why would I trust a stranger on the Internet of all places?
The server owners can’t see your phone number. Discord allows you to set a minimum verification level for users in your server. The lowest is simply having a verified email on their account. The highest is a verified email, a few minutes old (so no brand new accounts), been in the server for a few minutes, and a verified phone number. It’s just a bot prevention thing, because spammers/scammers are a big issue on large Discord servers. Especially early in Discord’s history, it was a big issue where bots would raid a server and just totally shut it down with spam links. So Discord started allowing server owners to set minimum verification levels before users could interact and send messages.
The server owners cannot see your phone number. It’s just a way to keep bots and assholes out most of the time.
Can we just go back to irc already?
If we had ircv3 specs that included reactions. etc we might be. I rolled a small group of IRC servers with a few selfhost people a year back and it was quite fun. Tbh IRC itself is still alive and well, it’s just not user friendly enough to get non-tech people over easily
I created an account without a phone number. What really anoys me is there focus on IP addresses. They apparently don’t realize IPs rotate.
I mean, if you’re using Discord, then you’re probably not the kind of person to be bothered by this anyway.
discord’s been doing this for a while, it’s really scummy
other companies that do this:
- twitter (even before muskrat bought it)
- probably a lot more