Scrubs is, ironically, a lot less silly. It’s definitely the better show, but House is sometimes laugh out loud hilarious when it tries to portray it’s most unhinged episodes totally straight-faced.
Ranked as follows:
5) Grey’s Anatomy, 4) House M.D., 3) ER, 2) St. Elsewhere, 1) Scrubs
AI-summary of page:
This article ranks popular medical shows based on their accuracy in portraying hospital situations. It highlights inaccuracies in shows like Grey’s Anatomy, House M.D., and ER, while praising Scrubs for its realism. The article also debunks common medical myths perpetuated by TV shows, such as doctors operating outside their specialty and patients being revived just in time for commercial breaks.
Scrubs is just the better show about doctors. I will die on this hill.
Scrubs is, ironically, a lot less silly. It’s definitely the better show, but House is sometimes laugh out loud hilarious when it tries to portray it’s most unhinged episodes totally straight-faced.
Scrubs is widely considered the most realistic depiction of the medical field.
I’m to tired to click. Can I get a To Long Didn’t Click?
Ranked as follows: 5) Grey’s Anatomy, 4) House M.D., 3) ER, 2) St. Elsewhere, 1) Scrubs
AI-summary of page: This article ranks popular medical shows based on their accuracy in portraying hospital situations. It highlights inaccuracies in shows like Grey’s Anatomy, House M.D., and ER, while praising Scrubs for its realism. The article also debunks common medical myths perpetuated by TV shows, such as doctors operating outside their specialty and patients being revived just in time for commercial breaks.
Scrubs is widely considered the most realistic depiction of the medical field
Lot people say Scrubs like real
I would love a crossover!
Scrubs had an episode riffing on House, close enough.
Dr. Cox with a cane solves various problems
You, and my axe! Eagles, chaaaaaaarge!
Scrubs was written by someone who got through med school, and washed out during residency, I believe.
So, yes funnt af, but accurate! I even asked a surgeon who picks the OR music once, bc I saw it on an episode.
Hi! My name is Bob Kelso, and I like whores. Now, why don’t I introduce myself like that? Because there is a time and a place for the truth.