I currently use KeepassXC that is synced through NextCloud. The sync isn’t very elegant, especially on my phone. So I’m looking for a new password manager, which has a native server sync support that I can self host. What do y’all recommend? I need at least a phone app and a browser integration that can autofill.

  • rumba@lemmy.zip
    20 days ago

    Ignoring the security aspect of it Bitwarden is responsible for hosting a fault tolerant, highly available web app.

    They have redundant networking, redundant servers, load balancers, redundant databases.

    While you could host this yourself to these tolerances it’s work and it’s not free.

    If you’re using your password manager to the fullest you have a different password for every resource out there. It’s more than a minor inconvenience if you get locked out of your passwords.

    Their service is dirt cheap and it’s absolutely worth every penny.