Supporting a Democrat-led expansionist proxy war causes the criticism of Republican-led expansionism to fall flat. But that’s actually a pretty great representation of the fickle morality of liberals, so maybe I’m being too harsh.
There didn’t need to be U.S. political justification for U.S. to support Ukraine. U.S. supported a democratic nation getting invaded by an authoritarian nation… as it should ALWAYS do. That’s one of the things that makes it the shining beacon on the hill.
Yep, that’s them. Had a long-ass thread with them where they wouldn’t engage with any of my arguments about why Ukrainians aren’t Nazis and instead tried to attack me directly. But can’t tell for sure if they are a tankie, vatnik, or just a troll.
Fuck. Here they come with their annoying facts. Don’t ya hate when that gets in the way your support for western expansionism?
ah yes, support for western expansionism, which is why the op comic doesn’t criticize the US at all
Supporting a Democrat-led expansionist proxy war causes the criticism of Republican-led expansionism to fall flat. But that’s actually a pretty great representation of the fickle morality of liberals, so maybe I’m being too harsh.
or, people who oppose these also opposed biden’s expansionism and you’re just strawmanning… I guess we’ll never know.
This isn’t a strawman. The Putin reference in the comic is a straightforward support for Biden’s narrative to justify the proxy war.
no, it’s against imperialism just like the others
So does that mean Ukraine belongs to Russia? What is Russia doing in Ukraine?
Pretending its the 1600s, where maps get redrawn every time some aristocrat has an aneurism.
There didn’t need to be U.S. political justification for U.S. to support Ukraine. U.S. supported a democratic nation getting invaded by an authoritarian nation… as it should ALWAYS do. That’s one of the things that makes it the shining beacon on the hill.
The US overthrew their government in the 2014 Maidan Coup, and installed a far-right puppet regime to fight their proxy war.
Hmm yes “facts”, please enlighten us on these “facts”
The facts didn’t persuade you in any of the other threads you’ve brigaded to defend Nazis. Why would it work in this one?
Oh that’s right, you’re the “Ukraine is all Nazis and Russia was right to invade them” one?
No, I’m not. But I am certain “don’t give guns to Nazis” sounds exactly the same to you.
Yep, that’s them. Had a long-ass thread with them where they wouldn’t engage with any of my arguments about why Ukrainians aren’t Nazis and instead tried to attack me directly. But can’t tell for sure if they are a tankie, vatnik, or just a troll.