Well, part of the reason. “Canola” is really only the edible variant, which is now a bit more than fifty years old. Older cultivars contained large amounts of erucic acid, which apparently is neither tasty nor very good for you.
I don’t know whether anyone still grows the non-canola rapeseed cultivars as a cash crop.
One of the worse named plants of all time, thanks Latin.
And that’s why we renamed it “Canada oil” aka Canola
Thanks, I could not understand what they were talking about 😂
I thought this was about Loblaws “raping” their consumer’s wallets rather than getting it “raped” by Amazon or something.
Well, part of the reason. “Canola” is really only the edible variant, which is now a bit more than fifty years old. Older cultivars contained large amounts of erucic acid, which apparently is neither tasty nor very good for you.
I don’t know whether anyone still grows the non-canola rapeseed cultivars as a cash crop.
Canada Oil Low Acid, to be precise.