Language matters.

The President is empowered by a Congress controlled by a narrow majority. Rather than the individual they have chosen, I am pissed at the Republican party. And disappointed in the American people. The guy? He was always that way and would have continued to be so at a safe distance from the levers of power without his enablers.

It is the American and especially Republican relationship with Canada that is important in this situation. Those are what endure, that person is only momentarily significant. So, where we can choose the narrative, I think that’s important to focus on.

Plus I suspect he likes the sound of his own name.

    1 month ago

    There’s a bit of a problem here though.

    Say we put tariffs on services from Amazon for example. What should they apply to? Amazon the online store and Prime Video? Or should we also apply them on cloud services? Because a LOT of Canadian companies are using their cloud services.

    Even if they switched to Google, wouldn’t we want to tariff them as well for supporting Trump also? Or even Microsoft? They all spent a million $ for his inauguration. And I’d bet they would bend to his demands if push comes to shove.

    We always knew that we depended too much on these companies and it’s never been so obvious than now. When we’re suddenly at the mercy of a psychopath fascists dictator president at the controls of our biggest economic partner.