Greetings! Recently, i have found out that i had an unused Raspberry Pi Pico that i did not do anything with ever since i bought it.

A random idea struck in my mind, i wanted to turn it into a security key!( Security keys (like the yubikey) are so goddamn expensive in my country. While i got a Raspberry Pi Pico for cheap. However, this brings me to the question: How secure can it be? Can anyone crack/clone the security keys off of it?

Thanks in advance.

    2 months ago

    It protects you against your PC being compromised but it doesn’t protect you from someone stealing the device, assuming they have the necessary expertise to read the keys out of the device.

    A regular laptop thief will have no idea what they’re looking at though, so it does have some value as a physical security (through obscurity) device.

    Ultimately it depends on your threat model. If you never leave the house then it’s an upgrade from a software password manager.