Hasn’t quite worked out yet. I still need to find a job (but I have interviews lined up) We came over a little early because we were worried that when the deportation start, everyone who can grab the first plane they came out of the US. We might never get out otherwise.
Hasn’t quite worked out yet. I still need to find a job (but I have interviews lined up) We came over a little early because we were worried that when the deportation start, everyone who can grab the first plane they came out of the US. We might never get out otherwise.
You’ve done right by your daughter. Good luck on the job search!
good to see you didn’t wait to find out, the Berlin wall went up overnight after all.
Hey, I’m in the same job hunting boat, but I’m in Norway! Good luck on your job quest 😊❤️
Wish I could help, but I’m not in UK. Nevertheless, I believe in you and keeping my fingers crossed that you find a job quickly.
I am optimistic. Thanks.
The logic is sound. Flights will be snapped up like pandemic loo roll.
That is definitely what I am expecting. Like everything else I am expecting in the next four years, I just hope I’m wrong.
The Nazi salute and the pardoning of all of those January 6th terrorists doesn’t give me much hope.