Look man, if I encounter a shark on land, I usually squat down and say ‘pspspspspsps’ until it starts rubbing it’s head against me and I give it lots of pets.
At first I read 30 minutes at a time, and was gonna give you crap for not leapfrogging across the pond. It’s not that big. The one next to me is bigger :P
I’m impressed she’s sleeping. I can’t sleep on airplanes no matter what I take.
I keep telling people, we can only fly 30 meters at a time.
Plus, Wonder Woman can fly and she has an invisible jet.
I’m impressed, I can’t fly 30 meters over multiple times.
Do you not have a biological water jet? What happens if a shark comes swimming up to you?
Land dwellers are weird.
Look man, if I encounter a shark on land, I usually squat down and say ‘pspspspspsps’ until it starts rubbing it’s head against me and I give it lots of pets.
It’s foolish to outrun them. They find you.
At first I read 30 minutes at a time, and was gonna give you crap for not leapfrogging across the pond. It’s not that big. The one next to me is bigger :P
I’m impressed she’s sleeping. I can’t sleep on airplanes no matter what I take.
(the pic in OP is a train)
Ahhh good! That means they’ve landed, and I understand their exhaustion. :)
Best start writing metres if you want to survive in the UK. People have been mercilessly dunked into the Thames for less!