Context matters. This is a man futzing around with the far right in Germany, specifically, right now. The movement made is sharp, exact. It is what it looks like it is.
That is you making things up again cause you feel like you have to lie to support your cause. Projecting your own fascist ideals rather than looking in the mirror.
Nice gaslight attempt.
Context matters. This is a man futzing around with the far right in Germany, specifically, right now. The movement made is sharp, exact. It is what it looks like it is.
“My coworker made a sharp movement with his arm. This proves he is a Nazi!”
“HR: Have they said they are a Nazi or that they hated Jews?”
“No, but they made a sharp hand gesture!”
Go for it. See how ridiculous you sound.
And here I am, 45 years old and never accidentally made this motion. How unlikely of me.
“Everyone does these things, sometimes it just a slip of the tongue.”
“I’ve never once done a Hitler salute accidentally, nor said the N word in a heated gamer moment.”
“You’re just weird, everyone is a closeted racist like I am!”
Yes, they have endorsed the great replacement theory.
More like that guy hanging out in the Nazi bar…
-“Does he say he’s a nazi?”
No, but he does the nazi salute.
-“tHaT doesn’t prove anything!!!”
That is you making things up again cause you feel like you have to lie to support your cause. Projecting your own fascist ideals rather than looking in the mirror.
The part of Gul Madred will now be played by [email protected].
To which I say to you: THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS.
Don’t be a Gul. It’s not cool.
That is you licking the fascist boot of the genocide supporter & now here complaining that your decisions helped Trump get re-elected.
“no u”
You’re not denying it
Yeah very different motions. Makes people look pathetic to focus on a hand movement.