All I hear about is “boomers” this, “Millennials” that, “Gen Z” that, etc.

Why no one talk about Gen X? What happened to them? They just vanished like in Infinity War? Or are we mistaken Gen Z by Boomers?

    2 months ago

    That is tbh a very US centric perspective. The decade Gen X grown up - youth in the 80ties and young adulthood in 90ties - is known for the break up of the Sovjetbloc. If that isn’t a big shake in life, I don’t know what else might have such an impact on lifestyle, thoughts, ownerships and behaviors.

    The longtail effects had disruptions to other regions in the world with unrest and uprisings for independence.

    And sure there have been conflicts as well. E.g. the North Ireland conflict with bombing in the UK. And there was the first nuclear disaster of Tschernobyl in 1986 causing angst in Europe.

    But at all, I‘d say these days were characterized by a positive mood and the feeling that people can change things.