I don’t know any Lemmy users IRL. I have nudged my friends towards it. My partner has asked me to post things a few times. Just curious.
Edit: running total including the commenter: 32.5 people
one of my friends uses lemmy
Just my husband, but not sure he counts as he doesn’t have an account. I did meet one of my closest friends on Reddit though.
I know myself.
Or do I?
X-Files theme
Vsauce intensifies
Just my wife, who downloaded the app for me and subscribed to instances because it’s too complicated and effort
None. Although I’ve never asked
I convinced one person to make an account but they don’t use it. I do know another person IRL who uses Mastodon, so i send them Lemmy stuff there
Lemmy? I can’t even get them off the goddamned Facebook.
Ha, I have a few of those myself
Seen with my own eyeballs?
But I’m pretty sure they post to Mastadon and it is visible here on Lemmy. Or maybe they have accounts on Lemmy.
No. No one else, which is great.
0, and happy to keep it that way.
Just one, the only relatively tech-savvy person I know irl
Zero. I think one lives near me based on some posts they made (as in near the same major city, could still be hours away). Another mentioned going to the same convention I go to every year but it’s a massive convention that brings in people from all over the world. The two friends I have that used RIF is fun for Reddit back in the day switched to the official app instead of trying alternatives.
Not a single one.