Of course it is, now Cuba is more progressive for queer people than the vast majority of the world, including the US. I never once said Castro was a saint free of any sin.
I have a positive view of Cuba and Castro, and believe them to be working towards immense progress. I additionally believe that they are unduely attacked, overly so, because of being Socialists and the US’ interest in recolonizing them.
Your accusation was that it was authouritarian to jail fascists, slavers, and the right-wing American Death Squads, to which I can only think is a defense of letting them run free and murder everyone.
So the fact that the LGBTQ+ didn’t get equal rights there until after Fidel’s death isn’t an issue for you?
Of course it is, now Cuba is more progressive for queer people than the vast majority of the world, including the US. I never once said Castro was a saint free of any sin.
Wow, quite the flip flop.
Flip Flopping from what, you dumb fuck homophobe?
Yeah, because you’re such a shining example…
Least incoherent fascist defending homophobe.
Goes from a golden view of cuba under fidel to saying he wasn’t free from sin and all the false accusations of what I am.
You’re a clown .
I have a positive view of Cuba and Castro, and believe them to be working towards immense progress. I additionally believe that they are unduely attacked, overly so, because of being Socialists and the US’ interest in recolonizing them.
Your accusation was that it was authouritarian to jail fascists, slavers, and the right-wing American Death Squads, to which I can only think is a defense of letting them run free and murder everyone.
Where did he say Cuba under Fidel was perfect and free from sin, you lying, homophobic piece of shit?
The inability to understand how someone can criticize one person’s actions while supporting others is peak Marvel brained politics.
Sure, because criticizing one government for a specific set of actions and hand waving the same actions by a subsequent government is so rational.
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
Go back to bed.
Good thing they didn’t do that then, you lying asshole.
In my stance? Not at all.