It was like 102 degrees (~39°C) yesterday evening (and about as humid as Vietnam), but he was SOOOOOO BORED. So I got him out of the house. He made it eleven feet into the park, pooped, and immediately went to the pool afterwards to wait for me to fill it.

    23 days ago

    Nice. Where do you get one of those for a reasonable price these days?

    My first dog, I got exactly that for $4 from a grocery store as a seasonal thing

    However, after our second dog was a fiasco, I got rid of that since we weren’t getting another dog.

    Now our third dog has not been swimming. She’s a rescue who still reacts against other dogs so we can’t bring her to a lake or dog park. I want one of these pools again to see if she’d take to it, but she doesn’t like to get wet so odds are not in my favor. I think the same pool was $28 last time I saw one, and I’m not interested in throwing away that much money. Almost all “baby pools” I see now are inflatable, which wouldn’t survive a dogs first use. So are there really no cheap plastic pools anymore?