Chinese authorities wrongfully detained more than 20 Tibetans and severely tortured a Tibetan village head named Gonpo Namgyal to death with the repeated use of electric equipment in detention for several months in Ponkor township, Darlag County in Golog in the traditional Tibetan province of Amdo now incorporated into Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu provinces.
Oh are we sure it’s “wrongfully” or planned?
They planned to arrest them. The wrongful part is the suggestion that it was not for a valid reason.
Unbiased source for this?
So if there was photographic evidence, it would be manufactured?
What kind of evidence would convince you?
Would it need to be reported on by a specific CCP controlled news source?
It would need to be reported by more than one source, those other sources can’t cite this report as their source and the source can’t be a mouthpiece for a government in exile that has decades of history collaborating with the CIA.
That would be a start.
As a bonus, it would need to include contextualized information about how this would be extremely counter productive to all of the aims of China’s relationship-building with the Tibetan people and how this would represent a huge shift in that relationship.
Having seen the quality of the slop, I know it’s an easy grift.
Radio Free Asia[1]: Tibetan champion of language preservation dies after release
Gonpo Namgyal, leader of Ponkor Village in Qinghai province’s Dharlag county, or Dari in Chinese, was arrested with the abbot of Shangtoe Monastery and over 20 other Tibetans in May for engaging in activities to promote the preservation of Tibetan language and culture, said the two sources who spoke on condition of anonymity due to safety concerns.
China has stepped up efforts to erase Tibetan language use, including the closure of private Tibetan schools, the establishment of boarding schools where children are taught primarily in Mandarin, the prohibition of informal Tibetan language classes during winter break, and the organizing of Mandarin speech competitions in monasteries and schools.
Hmm, where have I heard this story before? 🤔
Meanwhile at Wikipedia[1]:
Holy whataboutism, Batman! 🤦
Indigenous people in North America being displaced and oppressed does NOT in fact make it acceptable for the Chinese government to oppress and ethnically cleanse Tibetan people.
If anything, NOT committing crimes against humanity all the time would be THE most effective way for China to distinguish themselves from their geopolitical adversaries in a positive manner.
TL;DR: Nice try, but just as two wrongs doesn’t make a right, the similar but separate atrocities of Western countries don’t excuse those of China in any way.
If anything, NOT committing crimes against humanity all the time would be THE most effective way for China to distinguish themselves from their geopolitical adversaries in a positive manner.
How fucking ironic that you say this.
Only if you miss the fact that I’m implicitly conceding that Western nations are ALSO committing crimes against humanity.
The world isn’t a binary where you have to deny some atrocities in able to be capable of condemning others.
Oh, how magnanimous of you, lol.
Still deeply ironic that you said that though, while perfectly demonstrating exactly why it isn’t true.
Oh, how magnanimous of you, lol.
Never said that there’s anything magnanimous or otherwise special about acknowledging objective reality rather than ignoring anything that contradicts tribalist dogma. Just because you’re incapable of it doesn’t make it a flex.
Still deeply ironic that you said that though, while perfectly demonstrating exactly why it isn’t true.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
You acted like anyone should give a single nutty shit that you were so nobley willing to concede that the US is bad (but only as bad, never worse), despite it being completely irrelevant.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
Lol, Westerners really are the most brainwashed people on earth: they can’t even parse ideas contrary to their programming, let alone accept them.
Excuse me, I’m just going to go murder someone to gain the superpower of being able to accuse anyone I want of being a murderer
Holy whataboutism, Batman! 🤦
Citations Needed podcast: Whataboutism - The Media’s Favorite Rhetorical Shield Against Criticism of US Policy
Since the beginning of what’s generally called ‘RussiaGate’ three years ago, pundits, media outlets, even comedians have all become insta-experts on supposed Russian propaganda techniques. The most cunning of these tricks, we are told, is that of “whataboutism” – a devious Soviet tactic of deflecting criticism by pointing out the accusers’ hypocrisy and inconsistencies. The tu quoque - or, “you, also” - fallacy, but with a unique Slavic flavor of nihilism, used by Trump and leftists alike in an effort to change the subject and focus on the faults of the United States rather than the crimes of Official State Enemies.
But what if “whataboutism” isn’t describing a propaganda technique, but in fact is one itself: a zombie phrase that’s seeped into everyday liberal discourse that – while perhaps useful in the abstract - has manifestly turned any appeal to moral consistency into a cunning Russian psyop. From its origins in the Cold War as a means of deflecting and apologizing for Jim Crow to its braindead contemporary usage as a way of not engaging any criticism of the United States as the supposed arbiter of human rights, the term “whataboutism” has become a term that - 100 percent of the time - is simply used to defend and legitimizing American empire’s moral narratives.
We are joined by Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept.
Nice try, but just as two wrongs don’t make a right, the similar but separate atrocities of Western countries don’t excuse those of China in any way.
Still waiting on the evidence for those similar atrocities.
Indigenous people in North America being displaced and oppressed […] Chinese government to oppress and ethnically cleanse
hey look another western chauvinist (read: white supremacist) doing genocide denial
UwU smol widdle bean amewica only did a lil scoot scoot to the indians
Building schools and maintaining extensive affirmative action (even excluding minorities from the one child policy) is literally ethnic cleansing.
Killing, jailing, using biological weapons, enacting a century of land grabs and torturing/killing everyone who couldn’t escape, that’s just displacement. The good guys did it, after all.
NOT committing crimes against humanity all the time
I’m sure you can provide reliable evidence of all these crimes against humanity. Evidence that is not merely made up assertions from western news media, politicians, and other dubious sources. But I won’t wait up.
I’m sure you can provide reliable evidence of all these crimes against humanity
Nope, not all of them. Not because they didn’t happen. Because there’s too many to list in a week of non stop writing, which is about a week more than your bad faith requests deserve.
Evidence that is not merely made up assertions from western news media, politicians, and other dubious sources.
Yeah, you haven’t made up your mind already, nuh-uh! You’re DEFINITELY completely objective and the keeper of the Real Truth! 🙄
But I won’t wait up.
Wow, what a vicious and original barb! You must be feared throughout the lying West! Such eloquence! 🤦
Nope, not all of them. Not because they didn’t happen. Because there’s too many to list in a week of non stop writing, which is about a week more than your bad faith requests deserve.
Awfully convenient how everyone always draws this arbitrary, bizarre moral line in the sand about how they can’t provide any evidence for any of their claims about China.
As I told the other tankie: your willful ignorance of history is neither my fault nor my responsibility.
Willful ignorance of history is when you demand documentation of history
Not pictured: a single source lmao. Your words mean nothing if you can’t back them up.
Westerners like you truly are the most brainwashed people on earth.
Also it’s fucking hilarious that you’re calling other people tankies when you were calling for people to be lined up against a wall and shot less than an hour ago.
your bad faith requests
So I am supposed to just believe it because you said so?
Nope, you’re supposed to believe it because it’s already been thoroughly and accurately documented countless times for several decades.
Your willful ignorance of history is neither my fault nor my responsibility.
it’s already been thoroughly and accurately documented countless times
By who?
But china doesnt do that
Projection is when the usa propaganda takes one of its own crimes and changes all mentions of “usa” to “china”
I’m pretty sure china does because that’s what all authoritarian empires have done and are doing throughout history.
If there’s no evidence it just means they covered it up well enougg
Ah but have you considered my prejudices? I Think you’ll find them QUITE unfalsifiable
Checkmate tankie
In the United States, for over a hundred years, the ruling interests tirelessly propagated anticommunism among the populace, until it became more like a religious orthodoxy than a political analysis. During the Cold War, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime’s atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn’t go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them. If communists in the United States played an important role struggling for the rights of workers, the poor, African-Americans, women, and others, this was only their guileful way of gathering support among disfranchised groups and gaining power for themselves. How one gained power by fighting for the rights of powerless groups was never explained. What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum.
Damn, you’re just straight up doing the thing from the Parenti quote without even pretending otherwise.
You’re sure China is doing it is because (checks notes), Europeans did it?
Listen to yourself. You are not engaged in reasoning, you are engaged in projection.
Consider that China has watched European empire so this sort of thing, determined it to be ineffective at producing a stable society, and is choosing to not do that thing.
^ this is actually whataboutism
Woah. I had no idea both of our countries were pieces of shit. I thought it was just China!
I mean I’m not sure what I expected here in the comments, but still. What do you think happens in Tibet and with the Muslim minorities? Cherishing of multiculturalism by the CCP?
Sure the source is completely unreliable and there’s no actual evidence of anything…
But none of that matters because this is a serious topic and discussion. Now defend yourself against my own personal common sense and hypotheticals
Every time
It’s always the same usernames who copy and paste shit like it’s facts.
Like the person who posted an inflammatory article with zero sources from a government in exile that is a known collaborator with the CIA (just read the book written by the Dalia Lama’s brother)?
You posted an article for a discussion, it’s being discussed, but anyone discussing how shit this article is will get your reply about how they’re propagandists without you having even a touch of self-awareness.
Your mind is bent by living under the most powerful propaganda regime in history.
You have to do more than say “wrong, no u” at a Wikipedia article with sources.
What else are they supposed to say so they don’t get zero content responses like yours? Are you the China expert which can disprove what they’re saying?
I’m certainly not so I have no idea what the actual reality here is, it’s essentially someone’s word against someone else’s.
But they get to say “wrong, no u” at Wikipedia articles with sources that I post.
And just because a country has some kind of affirmative action plan doesn’t mean it works. Look at the US. lol.
I find these comment sections really helpful because the tankies expose themselves and I can easily add tags to their profile. Makes it much easier to spot their manipulation when they try to blend in on other topics.
Davel is hardcore tankie. Always has some huge quote to post and no ideas of their own. Gets super pissed off when you challenge them on easily debunked topics. Always the same end, “western” this or that.
Consider: in the US and Canada, the European colonizers established residential schools where they housed indigenous children. Those children were beaten for using their native languages. They were beaten for behaving “uncivilized”. Laws were created and enforced in border towns to criminalize being indigenous.
In China, Tibetans govern the day to day operations of Tibet. Children are educated in their native language. Official business is conducted in their native language. Tibetan holidays are observed. Tibetan traditions are observed.
So, yes, most of us who knows anything about China expect Tibetans to be respected by the party as they have demonstrated for decades.
How people believe this kind of stuff without any material evidence?
Because they are terrified to find out that the system they live within is the real enemy.
What is an example of material evidence in this situation that would appease you?
Incredibly offensive, racist propaganda bullshit. Pure invention by hateful, deranged minds paid for by US congress.
Let me start posting crazed stories about American congressmen going to schools and shooting the children in front of their parents. Perhaps that will even the odds. Closer to truth anyways considering the absolute tranches of human rights atrocities the genocide backing US government and their propaganda rags they call media cover for and cheer on.
Honestly I left reddit so I could get away from US state dept employees posting their weird fiction.
[spurious allegations of bigotry in defense of bigoted oppressors and whataboutisms that would make Stalin blush]
Wait we’re making Stalin blush? How do we get him to start cheering?
racists doubling down on racism because they assert it’s true
Every accusation is a confession.
This is a LARP. It’s fine to have hobbies. It just shouldn’t be taken as truth and posted as news.
This fake government levies what they call the chatrel tax from all Tibetans except nobody has to pay it obviously. But from the language you’d think it’d be illegal not to. It also gives you a ‘green book’ which serves as your fake fantasy passport, because citizenship is granted on your ability to pay taxes apparently.
Let us look at a specific example. A claim like “There’s cultural genocide of Uyghurs in Xinjiang” is simply unreal to most Westerners, close to pure gibberish. The words really refer to existing entities and geographies, but Westerners aren’t familiar with them. The actual content of the utterance as it spills out is no more complex or nuanced than “China Bad,” and the elementary mistakes people make when they write out statements of “solidarity” make that much clear. This is not a complaint that these people have not studied China enough — there’s no reason to expect them to study China, and retrospectively I think to some extent it was a mistake to personally have spent so much time trying to teach them. It’s instead an acknowledgment that they are eagerly wielding the accusation like a club, that they are in reality unconcerned with its truth-content, because it serves a social purpose.
What is this social purpose? Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off, exactly how Americans and Canadians perennially flatter themselves by attacking each others’ decaying health-care systems, or how a divorcee might fantasize that their ex-lover’s blooming love-life is secretly miserable. This kind of “crab mentality” is actually a sophisticated coping mechanism suitable for an environment in which no other course of action seems viable. Cognitive dissonance, the kind that eventually spurs one into becoming intolerant of the status quo and into action, is initially unpleasant and scary for everybody. In this way, we can begin to understand the benefit that “victims” of propaganda derive from carelessly “spreading awareness.” Their efforts feed an ambient propaganda haze of controversy and scandal and wariness that suffocates any painful optimism (or jealousy) and ensuing sense of duty one might otherwise feel from a casual glance at the amazing things happening elsewhere. People aren’t “falling” for atrocity propaganda; they’re eagerly seeking it out, like a soothing balm.
Now, go ahead and downvoot, you arseholes
I don’t think anyone reads the propaganda copy and paste stuff you guys do anymore. Gotta pay rent I guess.
this reply is a joke just for the people who read the excerpt
Every accusation is a confession;)
Then, why’d ye bother responding… anyways, how’s rent on your part?
pretty funny that is registered in India
The TPSA authorizes a number of appropriations for Tibet and Tibetan related issues including (not less than) $8 million for Tibetan communities in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China; $6 million for Tibetan communities in India and Nepal; $3 million to strengthen the capacity of Tibetan institutions and governance in exile; over $3.4 million and $4 million respectively for Voice of America’s and Radio Free Asia’s reporting on Tibet and Tibetans; $1 million for Office of the United States Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, among others.
Trump and Biden have both signed over millions in US money to run these propaganda sources.
I’m sure it’s registered in a location not controlled by china. So, it’s not “funny” it’s “smart”