Chinese authorities wrongfully detained more than 20 Tibetans and severely tortured a Tibetan village head named Gonpo Namgyal to death with the repeated use of electric equipment in detention for several months in Ponkor township, Darlag County in Golog in the traditional Tibetan province of Amdo now incorporated into Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu provinces.
But china doesnt do that
Projection is when the usa propaganda takes one of its own crimes and changes all mentions of “usa” to “china”
I’m pretty sure china does because that’s what all authoritarian empires have done and are doing throughout history.
If there’s no evidence it just means they covered it up well enougg
Damn, you’re just straight up doing the thing from the Parenti quote without even pretending otherwise.
You’re sure China is doing it is because (checks notes), Europeans did it?
Listen to yourself. You are not engaged in reasoning, you are engaged in projection.
Consider that China has watched European empire so this sort of thing, determined it to be ineffective at producing a stable society, and is choosing to not do that thing.
^ this is actually whataboutism
Ah but have you considered my prejudices? I Think you’ll find them QUITE unfalsifiable
Checkmate tankie