Chinese authorities wrongfully detained more than 20 Tibetans and severely tortured a Tibetan village head named Gonpo Namgyal to death with the repeated use of electric equipment in detention for several months in Ponkor township, Darlag County in Golog in the traditional Tibetan province of Amdo now incorporated into Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu provinces.
Hey look, I found a picture of you!
Damn, you sure are abruptly falling silent and loftily indicating that the time for argument is over.
Nah, I’ve patiently laid out my arguments and clarified where necessary.
That you’ve proven beyond any doubt that you’re either unwilling or incapable of considering any of them does not retroactively turn them into bad faith ones like the litany of non sequiturs and other fallacies you’ve been vomiting at me from the start of this futile exchange.
Bahaha, are you posting this from inside a locker, you fucking wannabe anime villain.
WTF are you even babbling about?
Also, which part of “go away” did you consider an invitation to keep spewing idiocy at me?
What’s the matter? Too dark to read in that locker, nerd?
What are you, the bully in an American teen movie from the 80s? 🥱
Makes sense that someone so obviously bereft of intellectual honesty and basic reading comprehension would nerd-bash, I guess 🤷
Lol, even reddit would call you a cringy nerd.
Again with the projection and anti-intellectualism. If I didn’t know better, I’d think that you’re proof that horse shoe theory has merit.
To be clear, it doesn’t. In spite of your being just as moronic as anyone in the MAGA cult in many of the same ways.
An interesting way to describe "getting real mad and posting Twitter reaction images.
More projection from the bigly mad tankie 😄
Lol, yes I was the one angrily posting Twitter reaction images.
Your really reaching the limit of what “no u” can do. Maybe you need to break out the cry-laugh emojis?
Yeah, because all reaction memes are from Twitter and mocking equals rage 🙄
Of the dozens of times your parents dropped you on your head as a child, how many would you say were deliberate?
Oh yes, I can tell how calm you are, merely mocking. Hell, I bet you’re actually laughing even.
Nah, too annoyed by your continued insistence on foisting your idiocy on me for laughing.
Annoyance ≠ rage or lack of calmness, though. Yet another thing that the vast majority of humans are aware of but you apparently aren’t 🙄