Now I have to hope to the god that is part of my new official state religion (do I need to have the local vicar over for tea when I move?) that someone over there hires me soon. Amazingly, people want to interview me.

The goal is to get the fuck out of America with my daughter before Trump is inaugurated. No specific plan of where to move, just wherever I get a job. We will move to the Falklands if we have to.

It feels so close now.

    3 months ago

    I’ve been lucky enough to live in several UK cities, including Bristol. It is one of the most progressive places in the whole of the UK. As the other comment also says, Brighton is also great.

    You are also onto a win with Scotland - I have family there.

    What I’m realising is that actually, you are probably right saying ‘anywhere at all…’

    There’s patches of rough around (like anywhere), but overall you can’t go wrong.

    If you need any support, let me know.