• fishpen0@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    This. Mid thirties here and I scraped my wrist on a moving box about a month ago. Didn’t even bleed. It turned into a dark scar that looks like I tried to cut myself.

    Sunburn too, I tan all splotchy now and you can feel the wrinkles forming around the burn in real time.

    And fitness is totally screwed. I hurt the arch of my foot just walking one day and it’s been two years of PT with practically zero progress. Anytime I take a funny step it resets back to zero.

    Plus i basically don’t build muscle anymore no matter how hard i try. I can finally afford a trainer and it’s going to take 3 years to get the amount of progress a 20 year old could get in a single summer. I finally get why juicing and T are so popular among wealthy men in my age group.

    If you are still under thirty start taking collagen and moisturizing daily. Do stretches every day even if you do no other fitness. It really really matters and you won’t ever know it’s paying off until all your friends are suddenly like me and you aren’t.