Can’t say I’m shocked. However I can say I’m so disappointed that this is what became of rocksteady
I’m surprised they kept going. I thought they would have stopped a while ago
No wonder they sold it at 95% off on steam recently. Did they at least complete the story of this one? It was supposed to be a mobile-like live service thing (whatever is wrong with providing a complete story in one go?).
I’ve only really plaued Arkham Asylum from the Rocksteady Arkham series. It is a decent one, I found it easier to get into than the hour of Arkham City I played. Perhaps I’ll try that again sometime. Though recently I got into Hand of Fate which has a similar combat system.
Asylum was so good. It was a tight focused story that used its small map effectively. The later games were also good, but each entry suffered from trying to be bigger than the last.
No, but we aren’t exactly going to be mourning either. Almost no-one wants SS to be Arkham canon so it’s no great loss… Aside for the waste of Kevin Conroys last possible contribution to the franchise.
You can say what you want about the game, but that they make an offline mode for players who purchased it is commendable. At least game is preserved in this way. The only downside is, that nobody is allowed to buy the offline game from that point on. Hopefully they decide against de-listing it on Steam.
About 6 or 7 years too late, but we take what we can get
Remember when games came in physical form, so they had to be finished before release? Ahhhh those were the days