I’m confused by your use of the word “earned”. I don’t think it fits in this context.
Witty, clearly reading from a script and dressed casually, defended his industry against accusations it refuses people vital coverage saying “we guard against the pressures that exist for unsafe care or unnecessary care.”
Witty, a British former pharma executive who is known as Sir Andrew Witty in the UK after being given a knighthood by the late Queen Elizabeth, is facing a Department of Justice probe into insider trading allegations.
“Unnecessary care” is so unbelievably evil, given the american healthcare system.
a British former pharma executive
If only he were a farmer before that, then he’d be a former former farmer pharma executive.
Thanks dad.
It’s a bold strategy Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.
I wouldn’t be putting my face out there if I was him. Smart money is on shutting the fuck up or saying you’re sorry and will change.
“It does not reflect reality. It is simply a sign of an era in which we live.
No, it doesn’t reflect his reality. He can afford self -pay.
Is things that are happening in the era in which one lives not that person’s reality? Thus it not only does reflect reality, it is also a sign of the era in which we live.
You guard against unnecessary or dangerous care? Fuck you. A patient’s doctor is who determines the care, subject to his license, the state board and the justice system. If you truly need to double check a doctor’s decision, Only an impartial board of doctors, with no financial interest and subject to their liability, should override the doctors decision.
I wonder if he ever has coverage denied.
He made $25 million in 2023. He doesn’t have to think about whether a procedure will be covered. Even a $25K procedure, would be 1% of what he made.
But it’s not about the money see, it’s about guarding against unnecessary or dangerous care. His company is just looking out for the little guy.
0.1%, actually
Thank you for correcting my math!
As long as the shooter is at-large I can dream that this guy is next.
That guy is either going to get arrested, die in a standoff, or join DB Cooper on a beach in Tahiti. Whatever happens, he wont be assassinating any more people. These guys need to be worried about the copycats.
He runs a very ethical death panel.
The fact that this was leaked should be telling. Should.
Given recent CEO news, he should probably be more concerned with a different kind of “Blowback”… Him putting out something like this just adds fuel to the fire.
that guy needs to relax and have a nice night out. Just himself to spoil himself.
I hear Manhattan is nice this time of year.
weathers been nice. al fresco might be a nice brisk experience.
Thoughts and prayers /s
Y’know, there’s a part of me that can’t help but feel that these people genuinely don’t realise that the public despises them.
If you reach that level of business, you’ve been so removed from every day life for so long that you’d have absolutely no idea what your customers think. These people don’t use social media like normal folks, so they have no clue what’s said about them. They’re so ensconced in their companies that they truly believe the brand values that their marketing department came up with. They truly, honestly believe that they’re bringing good to the world as much as they can.
I once knew—socially—a guy who served as a roaming CEO for a private equity firm. Basically they’d buy a company, and bring him in, and he’d fire a bunch of people. He was a hatchet man.
He was a really friendly guy, witty, caring, fun to hang out with. Once we got on the subject of the diffulcuties of management and he told this story of an executive that he was trying to mentor, but who didn’t make the cut and he had to fire them. He seemed genuinely sad that he couldn’t make it work.
The thing is, this is a guy responsible for firing thousands or tens of thousands of people in his career. His whole job is basically to fire people. But he only thinks and ruminates about the one executive. That one bothers him, the thousands don’t even really register to him.
These people fundamentally do not see people 2+ levels below them as human, fundamentally. And to the extent that, in the abstract, they understand that the plebs at the bottom are not different than the people they know and care about, there is a wall in their minds that prevent them from linking their own actions to the tragedies that befall their victims. They will tell themselves that they were actually victims of circumstance, that the market determined their fate, and that there was nothing that could be done. Or it was their own fault.
So when it finally breaks through and they see the hate in the public’s eyes as we point our fingers at them and say “you did this” they are genuinely baffled.
Like politicians. They’re removed from the world and don’t fear consequences aside from elections