Mine is catching up on me Diddy stories with video game dungeon (literal dungeon, like in a castle) music playing in the background + glass of wine and/or in combination with a nice vape topped with an obligatory sense of personal superiority hahah!
Mine is catching up on me Diddy stories with video game dungeon (literal dungeon, like in a castle) music playing in the background + glass of wine and/or in combination with a nice vape topped with an obligatory sense of personal superiority hahah!
I sprung for a takeout burger from a nearby bar today. I’d been dreaming and obsessing about it for three days. $20 later…at least my obsession is cured! (It was pretty damn good though.)
Everyone needs a weekly iron overdose
It was an Impossible Burger…do those have iron too? Now I’m curious…hmm…
ETA: Yes! They have about 25% of your recommended daily iron. TIL
Well there ya go. Imitation is the greatest flattiron
Well, it’s water under the fridge now anyway.
Similarly, we got a burger and fries on the way home from a wedding I was obligated to attend last weekend. Made up for how much I didn’t want to be there in a nice way.