I completely stopped caring about 2 years ago, I realized I was never going to do anything with my good look and that I will never get into a relationship in my life, so I just figured out “what’s the point then, I’m already invisible to women?” And I don’t care about my health tbh…

Since I don’t have kids or my own family I could just disappear and nothing would happen. No, I’m not thinking about extreme stuff to end my life, I just stopped caring and now eat a lot and drink.

If I’m going to be alone and feeling sad, at least let me eat something good and greasy. Still, I’m just 100 KG at 34 years old right now, just skinny fat… For now.

  • Meltrax@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    If you’re here to feel sorry for yourself, well, congrats.

    If you’re here to actually discuss - you were doing it for the wrong reasons if your entire goal behind your health and fitness was finding a relationship. And health and fitness aside, making large parts of your life purely about “getting into a relationship” is a terrible idea as well. Discover your interests. Try some hobbies. Maybe they are sports and fitness, maybe they aren’t. Meet people who share your interests. Men and women. Meet them to make friends and be social and share your passions with others. At some point along that journey, when you’re a self confident person who knows what you like about yourself and what you’re passionate about, you’ll probably accidentally find someone who also likes those things about you, and loves your passions.

    Or, I mean, imply to strangers on the Internet that you’re possibly considering self harm. It won’t get you anywhere but if that’s what makes you feel good, I’m not going to stop you.

    EDIT: I made the mistake of looking at your post history. Save everyone around here some time and stop dumping your misery all over the place. If you want to be your own personal storm cloud regardless of what anyone says, fine. Stop trying to be everyone else’s too. God damn, dude.

    • datavoid@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      In my experience it can be extremely hard not to obsess on being in a relationship if it has been years (or forever) since your last one. Then eventually you get in one, and inevitably realize you are an idiot.

      I don’t think your advice is bad by any means… but once you’re in the mindset of needing a relationship to feel complete, it is REALLY hard to get out.

      Great edit however