I managed to get a Steelcase chair off Craigslist for a great price and it has changed my home office life. I could sit in that chair 24/7 and still be comfortable. And they replaced a broken part for free even though I wasn’t the original buyer.
That is an important one and I’ll expand on it slightly…I spend probably 80% of my time either sleeping, sitting in front of the computer, or out walking around. Consequentially, the most comfortable and expensive things I own are my mattress, my office chair, and my shoes. Spend your money where it matters.
Buying a GOOD computer chair. You don’t know the pain you’re causing yourself until you wake up with a sore lower back.
I managed to get a Steelcase chair off Craigslist for a great price and it has changed my home office life. I could sit in that chair 24/7 and still be comfortable. And they replaced a broken part for free even though I wasn’t the original buyer.
That is an important one and I’ll expand on it slightly…I spend probably 80% of my time either sleeping, sitting in front of the computer, or out walking around. Consequentially, the most comfortable and expensive things I own are my mattress, my office chair, and my shoes. Spend your money where it matters.