what the fuck is this shit
stay mad
It’s hard to call it war when the people being killed don’t fight back, I suppose
You’re right, perhaps calling what the west does wars is too generous. These are just genocides.
Pretty sure China does its share of genocides bro
That’s cause you guzzle propaganda your genocidal regime feeds you uncritically.
China does genocides because I guzzle Australian propaganda?
Get a grip.
The only genocides China does are in the deranged minds of western liberals. Follow your own advice.
I thought for sure you would bring up the stolen generation.
The ROC, Tibet, India and Mongolia at a minimum would like to have a word.
I haven’t looked into it but I’d assume Russia probably also gets electronic components for weapons from China?
meanwhile in the real world, nice of you to out yourself as a supporter of slavery so we can know that it’s safe to ignore your bleatings
She addresses only one thing: was life better pre 1950 viz a viz today for Tibetans. Of course, it’s better today but that in no justifies what China did.
Going by her logic, life under many dictators in the 20th century improved by leaps and bounds in many countries; does that justify their rule.
By directly attacking the person above, you are indulging in Ad hominem.
but that in no justifies what China did.
Nice of you to support slavery and serfdom.
Salvador Allende era Chile had much worse indicators than Pinochet era one. Going by your logic, one should support the violent dictatorship of the latter because it had better economic indices.
Be anti communist without being pro fascist challenge difficulty level impossible