• DarkNightoftheSoul@mander.xyz
    4 months ago

    The point is that ancient document only has value if there are still people around to value it. The point is that the political system is fundamentally broken and is easily gamed by those with money- who are, of course, staunchly opposed to anything that would interfere with their rent-seeking behavior, including and especially stopping the flow of oil. The point is that joining a volunteer organization or a political organization is, and has always been as long as I have been alive, mostly either a joke, or a bandaid-on-a-festering-wound solution, or both. The point is that people who vote are voting for their direct, usually short-term interests- having gas in the car is an absolute necessity for getting to work and thereby putting food on the table for a family. That’s a difficult sacrifice to make, even if, in the long-term, people know it’s apocalyptic. The point is that this document they targetted got them attention. The point is showing the world that they’re willing to work outside of acceptable societal norms, sacrificing their livelihoods and freedom, for what they believe in. The point is that slowly, more people will recognize and find ways of resisting, even while still continuing to vote in a broken system whose first job is to uphold ancient broken irrelevant laws and perpetuate its own existence.

    The point is that if we don’t all do something, now, right now together, the world will fall apart.

    Examine your conscience. Do you really believe that parliament will pass a law limiting the flow of petrochemicals? If you believe, as I believe based on the evidence I’ve seen in my daily life, that the world is getting hotter and it’s because of burning petrochemicals, don’t you think they should have already by now, and long since? If they don’t, what do you think the people who are supposed to be represented should do about it? Do you really think voting will solve this by itself?