It all started with the unofficial godot discord admin dealing with some chuds and people turning their ire towards the Godot Foundation staff instead.

Since Godot has stubbornly remained on the Xitter nazi bar as a valid space for PR and social media interaction and dared to promote the Wokot hashtag and reiterate their progessiveness, the reactionaries infesting that space are now piling on their socials and harassing everyone they can get their eyes on.


Anyway, solidarity with the targets of harassment. I hope they finally realize that Xitter is a lost cause.

    3 hours ago

    Because being woke is generally considered to be a bad thing?

    No. Being woke is only considered bad in toxic echo chambers where they’ve tried to poison the word.

    Most people who self report as “anti-woke” repeat infectious and carefully crafted but fallacious talking points whenever the term “woke” is said.

    But if you bring up a situation where a minority is getting the bad end of the stick and they agree with you that it’s bad, they don’t realise that they themselves are being woke. They agree with being woke so long as the label “woke” isn’t used. It’s when you point that out that they start to realise that they’ve been poisoned against the term.

    Being woke simply means that some people don’t often get the same affordances as others.

    If you accept the general fact that women tend to get paid less for the same amount of work, then you’re woke.

    If you accept the general fact that black people might not get hired if a person doing the hiring is racist, then you’re woke.

    If you accept the general fact that some people have to hide the fact that they’re not heterosexual in some countries otherwise they’ll suffer the death penalty, then you’re woke.