I’d like to do a series on 56 different emotions which we’ll eventually get through as time permits.


Anger is an intense emotion defined as a perceived provocation, the invasion of one’s boundaries, or a threat. From an evolutionary standpoint, anger serves to mobilize psychological resources in order to address the threat/invasion. Anger is directed at an individual of equal status.

Try to keep it fresh by what is current but its also cool to retrospect

  • Clbull@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Last time I felt angry was over a relationship issue.

    Met a lady on a dating app last year who I got along really well with. The reason we didn’t date and why she kept me at arms length was that she had Myalgic encephalomyelitis (a.k.a. chronic fatigue syndrome) and didn’t have the energy to commit to a relationship.

    I’ve tried to be as supportive and understanding as I could be given that ME/CFS doesn’t have a known cure and maybe her condition will improve or get worse. I’m not gonna hate on someone for their medical condition.

    Where I do draw the line is leading somebody on when you have no intention of ever putting out. And unfortunately that’s what she did.

    A few weeks ago, she dropped the bombshell that another guy confessed his feelings to her and she was dating him, despite throwing every excuse under the sun to avoid even meeting me in person. To say I felt hurt and betrayed is an understatement.

    That relationship was short lived and frankly I don’t know why she came back to tell me that she broke things off with him. I haven’t replied to her last message and I have kept it on read so far, but everything inside me wants to tell her how horrible she’s been.