Reddit refugee

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t know if this is specifically possible. I’m not quite rookie-level new (been using it about a year now) but I have something I would love to have convenience-wise.

    It’s a desktop machine with regular speakers, and I have a wireless headset that connects to its own dongle (not Bluetooth). It’s there a way to switch to the headset automatically when I power it on, and revert to speakers when I turn it off?

    I feel like it’s possible hardware-wise, but I’m not tryna learn how to code to make it happen, and I don’t know how to find a software solution. I don’t even know what to call what I’m looking for.

  • I don’t think you understand what seeing a 4k image or video means. You can’t see a 4k image or video without a 4k screen. Maybe a 15 year old camera can capture it, but you can’t see it, even with today’s phone screens.

    The only TV I’ve ever owned was like 19". The only real-size TVs I’ve ever watched are my parents’ and the one my roommate had in the living room.

    And just because they’ve been available since 2019 (according to you- I honestly can’t remember when they started showing up lol) doesn’t mean they were common or cheap at the time. And both of those units (the ones I’ve spent any time with) were bought around 2016 anyway. Not sure what world you live in where everybody buys a new TV every 3 or 4 years, but it’s not a universal thing, or even the norm. Where having an SDTV might justify a midnight trip to go get a real TV, the need for 4k is less than 0.

    So no, I am quite sure I’ve never seen a 4k image or video. Because I’ve never owned it has access to a 4k screen. That in and of itself is enough to verify that much, without having to worry about how modern it is, it what it was shot with, or recorded on, or how it was downloaded, or where/how it was streamed or any of that confusion.

    No 4k screen means I’ve never seen anything that could only be on one.

  • I miss before the feed existed. People would just update their page and Wall and you’d have to look around to see what people has changed (you could just see they made an update".

    The Wall itself was just an insecure text box, so you could say something and identify yourself as whoever you wanted (there was no linking here) and they had no way to know who actually typed it.

    I hated it as soon as the feed came out, really hated when it became open more widely (I was a college kid mad the little kids were coming to mess up the playground)

    I kinda stopped using it much as soon as high schools could join. I would log in every couple months and remember I still don’t care about any of these people. Then I finally made the move last year to download my data and delete the account. Haven’t looked back.

  • Even that fat fuck knows that we will go out of our way to do anything he actually hates, right?

    And we’re past time to have a coalition of people formed that just takes oppressive leaders out and streams their execution.

    For him I suggest being dragged over cobblestone while being forced to listen to AI’d voice clips of his dad talking about how disappointed he is in him. I feel like there was a weird daddy issue there and if so, I want that to bother him on his way out.

  • And you very well may. But the pandemic itself made sense temporarily for delivery. But a lot of people really got into the lazy part of it.

    We all need a little splurge like that now and then. But people doing it every week, or 2-3 times a week is just absolute gobsmack crazy to me.

    Even pizza I typically pick up. I used to live just 5 minutes from one and still felt so lazy getting it brought to me I’d give em $5 tip anyway to help them and punish myself for the laziness. It was usually just 1 pie with the easiest (actually 5 minutes too- unless traffic was light at the time) drive and walkway situation they could ask for. The drivers must have fought for my tickets lol. Not a humongous tip, but for 5 minutes of work with the easiest workload possible and no difficulty (unless you count a 3-step to get on the porch, which I would often meet them at or tell em to leave it on there to prevent even that)

  • All of those help the pronunciation of the “word”. I’ve no clue what OWCA is, but for the others they didn’t change the very first letter that’s for kinda the most important in the phrase. It’s an image file, and they make it impossible to directly and verbally connect to the meaning of GRAPHICAL.

    I’m not trying to fire on a hill for a pronunciation of an acronym just for my preference of g instead of j. But the absolute most important word in that phrase is graphical, and therefore the g noise absolutely has to be included and that is that for that argument. You don’t kill off the main character for some worse than Scrappy Doo schmuck.

    And in what world are gif and jif better or worse sounding than each other for this to even have a point? It’s like whoever decided on making this fake j solely intended and only cared about making the meaning of it harder to figure out and less representative of its meaning.

    Since this reply is about gif I’m mostly done, but as a quick point, for the other examples-

    For SCUBA, I’m pretty sure it’s just pronounced wrong because fixing that would mess up the letters if they made it work by English rules (there would need to be 2 "B"s). So the argument comes down to making it an acronym or making a new word inspired by the acronym.

    NASA is actually the same thing, with a pretty similar change that would be needed. (but 2 "S"s this time)

    If both of these could just add a word their problems would be fixed and everyone would be happy.

    CAPTCHA I’m only vaguely aware is an acronym and I’m not looking that up right now for sanity reasons (all these hills exploding in this thread giving me PTSD). So I don’t know how I feel about that one yet. But one day I’ll get curious and look at it.

  • If you do it regularly and aren’t disabled or in some other situation that makes it necessary, I just judge you really hard. Not in a specific angle like you’ve chosen necessarily, but just as a person in general.

    For just laziness reasons, it can’t be defended and that’s all these people have without the disabled reasoning. Way richer in money than brain cells clearly. What other reason could there be for regular use of it? Even just often enough to subscribe to whatever their plans are is a crazy amount of delivery orders.