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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • As someone without a car but with a child let me tell you, cars significantly reduce our living standard.

    Most places we go I need to constantly tell my toddler not to walk too much to the left or right or run or slow down, I have to control her like a slave, or suppress her emerging wish for independence by holding her by the hand all the time, or even worse, put her in a stroller. Hell there are so many cars parked here (even on corners) that I often cannot leave the sidewalk safely with a stroller or cross the street safely (so that I would see a coming car or a coming car would see me).

    I’d happily be less of a “germophobe” and have my kid run around with dirty hands, pick up dirt, etc. But car dirt is definitely not the “healthy dirt” so no, no dirt for you. Don’t touch, don’t play.

    I want my child to grow up in a city that embraces her existence. I want her to feel like a welcomed member of society. But instead I have to keep telling her so many negative things, this is dangerous, don’t go there, don’t do this. She still loves being downtown and prefers this often to the playground or nature (which we try to encourage). She loves the tram and trains. But there are so many restrictions of free movement it breaks my heart.

    And I am in a privileged position living in a German city. I can’t even begin to imagine how devastating it would be in an even more car centric society.

  • I’m not sure what country you are from, but as someone whose vote literally is counted before I even see a ballot, let me tell you, please vote or at least do something. If you don’t like the way politics in your country work, go out and demonstrate. Take it to the streets. Talk to your neighbors, make leaflets. But please don’t just go bitter and sit in your corner because everything is shit anyways. Because this is how we ended up with a lot of the messes we are having now. I “voted” for the first time this year in a rigged election and before that I also always thought the way you do. Democracy is dead, why bother, my vote doesn’t count anyway. But once I stood in this fucking line and smuggled in a non erasable pen and voted and went out knowing no one will even look at this ballot something changed.

  • For just about all former soviet states, the N word is the term used to describe black people, because the word imported from Europe to describe Africans. It doesn’t have the connotations or baggage that westerners attach to it. Diddo for blackface and sambo imagery, it’s usually used more out of ignorance than malice.

    Oh dear God, let me tell you, I feel my bones tickling when I read this. All these flashbacks of my parents meeting other Russian people and, all of the sudden, casually dropping the n word in conversations in public and me just freezing and praying no one overheard them. I mean it was with no mean intent (as you wrote, more like ignorance paired with custom) but if someone heard them, then they didn’t understand the context and only heard them say n*ger.

  • Fwiw, I lost about 4 kg of my average weight (That was about 7% of my body weight) when I stopped smoking. A couple of years down the road I also quit drinking which also decreased my average weight by another 4 kg.

    (With average weight I take into consideration that I have natural, not dieting related fluctuations of about +/- 1 to 2 kg. The fluctuations are still there but the mean they deviate from is vastly different.)

    Maybe I should add that I am still eating about five pounds of sugar a day and I haven’t done sports since 2012, so don’t assume that quitting smoking meant a healthier lifestyle (sadly).

  • It’s beyond heresy.

    Well ok but this ONA has nothing to do with Christianity, they explicitly state it’s a militant Satanic left-hand path occultist network. I mean being Satanic kinda goes hand in hand with heresy.

    As with many other occult organisations, the Order shrouds its history in “mystery and legend”, creating a “mythical narrative” for its origins and development. The ONA claims to be the descendant of pre-Christian pagan traditions which survived the Christianisation of Britain and were passed down from the Middle Ages onward in small groups or “temples”

  • Feel free not to like him, but it seems very biased to assume a 17 year old cannot consent to sexual relations with a 23 year old, but a 18 year old totally can. In the Western world a big majority of people have their first sexual experiences in their teenage years. Naturally, age gaps happen.

    On a further note, you might want to look up terms like ephebophilia, hebephilia and pedophilia before accusing people of being pedos. And neither does a victim need to be underage for a perpetrator to be molesting them, nor are child molesters necessarily pedophiles. The majority of child molesters has no pedophilic tendencies.