• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneJoan Jett Rule
    15 hours ago

    Labor skinheads and neonazi skinheads.

    I was so sad when I discovered the Hammerskins were a thing (a White Power band inspired by Pink Floyd’s Waiting For The Worms, but without the irony, with a corresponding militant movement). The Hammerskins took their logo:

    From the Hammers banner from the movie version of Pink Floyd’s The Wall

    Which means when I reference the Hammers in parody of white power movements, I risk being associated with an actual white power movement.

    If they had balls, they’d call themselves The Worms.

    <looking up to make sure The Worms isn’t a social movement yet>

  • I, for one, am too disabled to get to a pride parade and march. It also doesn’t help that I burst into flames in the sun like a vampire. (Okay, I exaggerate. I go into shock in less than an hour in direct July sunlight. I might be a vampire.)

    At the point that we can augment ourselves with cybernetics to not just mitigate disability but to have transhumanist advantages, we won’t need a pride month so much as a remember the normies ᴀɴᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅɪᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴜꜱ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴡᴇ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴇᴀᴋ month. (Same thing we do every year, Pinky.)

  • Sure. Which is why autocrats turn to fascism (that is a mythical history of an in-group and out-groups) to redirect that outrage against other races, other ethnicities, other religions, women, LGBT+, countercultures, teenagers, immigrants, etc. And it works because the naked ape is already frustrated with society being too big (hundreds of thousands rather than dozens), and is always looking for common traits among bad drivers and untidy neighbors.

    And it works every time, since it takes effort to be rational and practice tolerance. Mostly the lumpenproletariat (simple folks who are not politically savvy) are the driving force behind hate campaigns, but the rest of us start wondering if so many people are negging on the Jews, maybe there’s a point. And rumors like blood libel and groomers helps those feelings along. 24-hour propaganda on FOX News and OAN helps too.

  • uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zoneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneFlesh rule
    16 hours ago

    Randall Munroe covered this process pretty well determining what happens with a mole of moles. If we manifested them we’d end up with a stinky planet of crushed dead moles, but if we bred them naturally by colonizing other worlds and letting them migrate with us, the mole would come along pretty easily.

    Humans manifest naturally only under specific conditions and even right now pop rates are declining, so if we want a planet’s worth of human flesh we’re going to have to colonize other worlds.

    Right now our priority seems to be making billionaires even more money (which they can ONLY use to try to make more money) which sounds to me like the human species is not the self-aware enlightened space-bound beastie it was advertised to be.

    Maybe we’ll figure out some sociological trick to circumvent the tragedy of the commons and to want to cheat at Monopoly, but, you know, late is the hour in which this conjurer choose to appear and all that.

  • Oh yeah. It’s horrible, and puts way too much power in the hands of DAs and AGs. Also it lets our legislators create lazy law on the assumption the right people will be spared, and the wrong people (e.g. poor and minorities) will become prison fodder.

    I’d rather we had iron-clad difficult to re-interpret laws for which enforcement was obligatory. Then every miscarriage of justice (e.g. tweens in juvie for violating social media TOS) would be a call to fix the problem with aggressive legislative revision.

    Notes for the next iteration of the United States, I suppose.

  • This is not uncommon, that laws are written not considering all nuances, so a generally innocent thing is made illegal.

    The primary protection for this is prosecutorial discretion which is to say the DA can choose not to take such cases. Also the police have to be willing to enforce and book instances (they’re usually happy to) and gubernatorial positions like the mayor or governor can command law enforcement not to enforce a specific law (which sometimes they’ll obey).

    This often comes up in undocumented immigrant cases in which there are communities with a lot of overstayed visas, or while cannibis was in a grey zone of being locally accepted while nationally scheduled.

    It’s also why tweens weren’t gathered up for making a Facebook account while under thirteen years, even though that violated the CFAA, a federal crime punishable by up to 25 years. We don’t really want to put little girls in federal prison.

    This is a problem when some official would like you to disappear into the penal system, say because he covets your land or your livestock or your spouse. Then your chastity cage may become a liability.

  • So during the Great Depression (about a century ago) the industrialists were totally happy, and Hoover was on board with them. The people were seriously thinking about doing that thing Lenin was trying over in the Soviet Union, because really anything was better than eating flour paste and living in cardboard and stacked paint cans.

    According to Behind the Bastards in their two parter How The Rich Ate Christianity, FDR’s New Deal was in order to give capitalism another chance since it really was doing the people wrong, and Hoover and his industrialist pals really hated it.

    (Christianity at the time was also on team-pinko, except they believed it was the responsibility of wealth and industry to just be relentlessly charitable, so at the time the industrialists had no allies in the Church. The current right wing guns-and-money Christian Nationalism is the product of a decades long propaganda campaign to turn the faith into a pro-wealth, pro-capitalism ideology. And the Catholic Church and Protestant ministries alike bought into it.)

  • Yeah the art community hated desktop publishing too. People who spent decades working with moveable type were made obsolete.

    The problem is not that creativity is easier, the problem is our industrialist masters are all too eager to replace us from the artist to the driver to the lawyer to the task laborer to the engineer.

    This isn’t a new problem. The reason Disney only does CGI and live action movies now is because the cell animators unionized.

    It’s not the technology. It’s the system that lets you die for the grace of profit-minded industrialists.

    With the US on the brink of autocratic rule, it’s really time to take seriously the notion of communist revolution.