did scoot at one time have the mask on
no, he scooted by on people’s good faith
Only Bayes Can Judge Me
did scoot at one time have the mask on
no, he scooted by on people’s good faith
Oh yeah to be clear: I also find this kind of reporting to be disingenuous and disgusting.
NBC/the media really killing it with painting him as a self-radicalised spook.
One too many poop pills
It’s my pleasure!
Bonus content: the OP that got purged had crossposted this to a couple places, let’s start some beef on the fediverse?
These link to the same thread, thanks to the magic of lemmy: lemmy.world link, awful.systems link
I actually have a shrimp torture farm. It brings me infinite joy. However its running costs are quite high and I require donations to keep it going
Thinker? Debatable. Computer scientist? LOL
Ah, finally, a paper article to pin to my Roko’s basilisk/David Gerard/X Æ A-Xii red yarn corkboard
NB: I will not perform sleuthing, i.e. reading up on this guy or anything he wrote. I don’t think it’s worth it
Is it crazy that I don’t think that the guy is the shooter? I don’t see the EA crowd, famous for bootlicking, being up to the task of CEO assassination.
Normal person: you should not be attracted to the mind or body of anyone under the age of consent, nor should you invent thought experiments to find loopholes.
Yud: i live to groom
Article was short. I was pretty close!
Haven’t read the article yet but I can only assume the book is “Lolita X” where they find the cryonically frozen body of humbert humbert and they bring him to space
Happend quite a few times with the “skeptic” yt people in the yt’er to alt right funnel/pipeline from a decade ago. (A few of these people have really lost the plot now
I would love a separate thread on this, more generally a “late 2000s/early 2010s skeptic ytbuers, where are they now”?. The only example (sorta*) I have is thunderf00t, whose yt career track is: anti-christianity, anti-anita sarkeesian, and now anti musk.
*he is not alt right, at least by any mainstream definition of alt-right, afaict.
Such a good post. LWers are either incapable of critical thought or self scrutiny, or are unwilling and think verbal diarrhea is a better choice.
Guy fused a phylactery and a prophylactic, making a prophylactery.
(apologies for the necro-post?)
yeah filing this under my “ok so you know you can just have kinks, right? like you don’t need to intellectually justify your kink. Have you seen a therapist?” folder
I’m sure ol’ Petey Tooter has done the calculus to justify why it’s worth pouring out a gallon of water every time someone wants to use a worse ctrl+f on his collected works.
I hate that I read this. This kind of thing only seems convincing to someone who already believes the core hypothesis (IQ and race science real), but for someone of the correct opinion (IQ and race science not real), it’s total garbage.