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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022

  • That is Capitalism in reality when the property owning elites cooperated with corrupted government officers and “non-profit” organizations to hoard the wealth of nations and use the hoarded wealth to dictate the reward and punishment of people according to their level of bootlicking to the rich 1% contrary to their alleged principle of minimal government intervention. Their willingness to oppose the invisible hand of the free market is that reason that they use the military to shoot down a crowd of peaceful protestors who demand meritocracy and accountability and the reason that they enforce heavy government intervention against the decision of the invisible hand of the free market to recruit scary red masterminds into key positions of Pax Americana to babysit the lazy Capitalists.

  • Individual choice from the Liberal ideology is not Marxist solution for Capitalism in decay. The response to local material condition and holistic change to society are the approach of Marxism. In realistic scenario, for-profit business operation is not evil by itself; it depends on the business context, the business ethics, and the approach to generate revenue. The Capitalists who use Adam Smith’s book of The Wealth of Nations to justify exploitation of marginalized segment of the population were only making a misinterpretation since Adam Smith wrote that personal interest should motivate mutual cooperation for mutual interest instead of profit at the cost of the other party contrary to the statement by the Wall Street Capitalists who depend hoarding of wealth by the rich 1% to utilizes the trickle down theory.

  • Liberals: “Trust me! anyone who oppose us are only a large number of hard working innovative scary red masterminds who receive the aid of the invisible hand to travel to the other end of Asia, disguised themselves as Palestinian people, and stage mass peaceful protest! This is why we need heavy authoeritarian government intervention in all aspects of the lives of our citizen despite our redefinition of Capitalism from government by rich property owners to minimal government intervention in the economy!”

  • Besides the economic exploitation, there is also the “Indian Residential schools” which are a series of slave camps, human experimentation camps, torture camps, and death camps from 1850s that secretly continued after 1998 in the British diaspora that inspired the Nazi Holocaust. The reason why the British diaspora and Western Europeans now need to hire foreign agents to smuggle enourmous number of immigrants of colors legally and illegally is because they depleted their supply of child slaves in the fake schools and the stolen inheritance of abducted Indigenous children in the fake cultural assimilation frauds. Despite their claim that immigrants of colors are “invading” the countries of Western European diaspora independently, the truth is that the elites of Western European diaspora hire con-artists to deliberately lured the majority of the immigrants to their countries for enslavement in plantation at worst and legal immigration at best.

  • “Trust me! The ability of uneducated inexperienced children to engage in a successful enterpise despite their illegal working age indicated the success of the sole Capitalist superpower and the success of countries that only received the label of Capitalism from their economic success despite their lack of plutocratic command economy! Also, you should assume that the ability to start successful enterprise by uneducated elderly people with no funding in Venezuela during the series of recessions under Maduro’s governance indicated the failure of Socialism and not of Marxist principle to adjust policies to the local material conditions.”

  • The Western European diaspora still justify the abduction of Indigenous children, imprisonment of children in fake school death camps, federal reserve concentration camps, property right violations, plagiarism, and authoritarianism against Indigenous people. They also claim that thief of the fruit of your labor and planned starvation are “freedom” to victims of fake school death camps.

  • Twitter ban with duration of only 10 days? Maduro must be really democratic and apolitical. I will not complain about the bloom of perfect market competition in Venezuela since Maduro is following Marxist doctrine of government by working class and adjustment to the local economic condition that are not favorable for Socialism. However, I want to inquire about the reports that elderly Venezuelans with no education and no funding could start a successful enterprise despite the ‘hyper’ recession when the same recession bankrupt small companies in the USA since it implies that Maduro could disprove the claim by Pax Americana that economic progress requires inequalities, free riding, slavery in Indian Residential fake schools that secretly continued after 1998, inheritance thief of Indigenous children in fake cultural assimilation, debt-trapping, authoritarian rule over former European colonies, and colonial thief of foreign countries.

  • The pax americana is the one who invented the death camps in the pretense of “Indian residential boarding schools” that secretly continued after 1998 and had taught the Nazi German all the war crimes in the Nazi Holocaust. I am not surprised by the savagery of the British diaspora. There is also the policy of coered confusion of innocent people from the excuse that a person will never confuse to a crime that they did not commit regardless of the circumstance or the policy to terrorize a community of people of color to kill terrorist suspects.

  • Pax Americana response #1: “But this success come at a high cost that will cause a economic collapse in the near future according to a logic that is more applicable to the British diaspora who free ride on Indigenous child slaves in Residential fake schools, stolen inheritance from abducted children in fake cultural assimilation projects, and ‘natural parks’ from ongoing land thief of Indigenous population which cause a huge dependency on large imports of new immigrants of colors.”

    Pax Americana response #2: Frame the success of hard working innovative people of color as an evil conspiracy that requires state intervention by racist white governments who always contradict their policy on minimal government intervention for distraction from their meritocratic slogan.