• 28 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024


  • I was struggling to figure out how to express another problem, but I just thought of how to say it. This deeply entrenches metagaming into the game’s formats, since competitive players will even more greatly want to keep secret strategies in their pockets so the wider scene only finds out after they’ve already reaped the benefits.

    Basically, it’s the Magic version of arbitrage. Everyone in Modern is sleeping on Séance, so you keep quiet about your Séance brew until it’s Pro Tour time and you get to cheese wins with an undercosted Séance.

    Tangent time! During Pro Tour Amonkhet, there was a cheesy WU snake deck in draft. Some of the competitors expected Slither Blade to be badly underpicked, so forced decks full of those and Trials of Solidarity. It worked. Once this archetype went public, it stopped working because people were actually trying to pick that snake now. As far as I know, there was no other deck for Slither Blade, so this was basically insider metagame trading.

    Okay, okay, paragraphs. I know you said this was about more than just Magic, but I don’t have enough confidence in my game design or macroeconomics knowledge to say anything insightful in that regard. I mean, some board games have auctions.

  • One obvious problem would be that some cards are good no matter the cost. I’m going to reanimate an Emrakul even if the card costs 40 mana. Manaless dredge will still be manaless.

    In some formats, this would be an excessively obtuse ban list. Obviously oversimplifying, if anything with mana value 4 or higher is utterly unplayable in Modern, any popular cards that “price out” is effectively just banned. People are playing Llanowar Elves to hit 3 mana on turn 2 for a Stone Rain or something. If the price of either changes, whether up or down, that just kills the point of trying to play them.

    Could this work in a game that’s explicitly designed around live market prices? Yeah, I’m sure NFT games are ready for their comeback :P.

    And now, I present without comment that time Valve tried dynamic pricing in Counter-Strike: Source and people could spam buy cheap guns until the server crashed.

    • Assault Android Cactus
      • Slick arcade-style twin-stick shooter with a pumpin’ soundtrack. Lots of characters with unique playstyles. Local co-op.
    • Crypt of the NecroDancer
      • Bring rhythm to the classic roguelike. There’s local and online co-op and lots of mods.
    • Just Shapes and Beats
      • Rhythm bullet hell with a large EDM soundtrack. Local and online co-op.
    • Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
      • This is a stretch of the “couch” part of couch co-op. One player must defuse a bomb. The other players have a bomb defusal manual and must help the first player without being able to see the screen.
    • Moving Out 2
      • Work together to drag and throw furniture into a truck. Chaotic co-op with physics, local and online.
    • Gauntlet: Slayer Edition
      • 2014 revival of an 80s arcade classic. Co-op dungeon crawling action. Warrior needs food. Badly! Local and online co-op.
    • Pizza Possum
      • Very soft stealth game about stealing and eating lots of food. Local co-op.

  • Fountainport

    The gang makes it to Fountainport, King Glarb’s 🐸 city. While they wait to get an audience with him, Helga explains that she was expelled from her apprenticeship under him because of a very embarrassing spellweaving mistake.

    It was Glarb

    They tell King Glarb about all the stuff. The attacks, the egg, Cruelclaw, etc. Getting suspicious, Helga 🐸 figures him out and yanks off the curtain behind his throne, revealing the egg.

    “The Calamity Beast egg?” Helga reeled from shock. “You have it?”

    “I should hope so,” King Glarb replied. “I paid Cruelclaw extremely well to bring it here.”

    He plans on hatching and raising his own Calamity Beast in the hopes of defending Valley from the existing ones. He orders the mercenaries to get rid of Helga and company. But Helga is tired of thinking herself a failure.


    A lot of fighting breaks loose in the throne room. That gets put on hold when the storm dragon from the last episode shows up and attacks Fountainport. With Helga’s help, Mabel 🐭 gets high up to attack the dragon when it swoops in.

    Coming in with a steel chair!

    By god, it’s Maha, tackling the dragon from the side and clearing out the storm with a curtain of night! Maha bites off some of the dragon’s tail feathers, driving it away. The owl then perches at the edge of the floor, staring at Mabel. She suddenly realizes what Maha is here for and picks up the egg, offering it to the owl. It takes the egg and leaves peacefully.


    • King Glarb and Cruelclaw fled, locations unknown. Some of Cruelclaw’s lackeys surrendered instead.
    • Helga is now officially a hero and decides to stay in Goodhill, the town where Mabel lives. She briefly becomes possessed by a vision:

      “The kings in the dark will return. The mage in blue will bring about the end.”

    • Before Ral 🦦 leaves, Mabel offers him a gift: a muffin and two decorative buttons, for him and his husband.

    Unanswered questions

    • Where is Jace?
    • What’s going to happen with Pondside?
    • What about that dragon?
    • Maha was looking for its egg. Why are the other Calamity Beasts attacking?

    “You’ll always be welcome here,” Mabel told him, stroking the gray, fuzzy leaves. “Perhaps we’ll journey together again.”

    “Stranger things have happened,” Ral replied. “Can’t say I’ve loved having a tail, though.”


  • Here comes the summary for episode 4!

    Into the cave

    An elder rat orders the others to stand down and invites the bloom gang to tea.

    • Some mercenaries had come by recently. One was a weasel in a red hood: Cruelclaw. He led Maha to the swamp outside.
    • Cruelclaw stole an egg of a Calamity Beast, which could be how he’s able to control them.
    • Mabel 🐭 is determined to return the egg.

    With encouragement from Zoraline 🦇, Helga 🐸 tries to meditate to get a vision of where Cruelclaw’s band went.

    Fountainport. The home of King Glarb and her “greatest failure” under him.

    Through the dandelions

    The gang leaves for Fountainport. They take a shortcut through a dangerous dandelion field.

    Ral 🦦 opens up a bit. He admits he’s a foreigner and that he misses his husband. He’s never had someone to miss before.

    A storm is coming.

    That’s not a Calamity Beast

    A giant flying creature emerges from the storm clouds. It’s a four-winged hawk-bat, like what Helga drew in episode 1. She thought it was the Sun Hawk, but Ral calls it a dragon.1

    They try to sneak past, but the dragon notices them and attacks. Zoraline screeches to disorient it, and with Finneas’s 🐰 conductive arrow, Ral tases the dragon, driving it off.

    Luckily, no one’s hurt. Ral dismisses the storm and they continue on.

    [1] The dragon seems to have been transformed by Bloomburrow’s “animal rule”.

    “May I ask where you hail from?” Finneas asked.

    “Far away,” Ral replied.

    “The Outer Woods?”
